Part 1

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Lilly, hi!


How’s your summer going? I know that you said that you’re being punished for what happened at school but mum said that you, Harry and Hermione can spend the rest of the summer here, at the Burrow! I don’t care what Snape says, you’re gonna get here and, if you ask and he says no then me, Fred and George will have to come rescue you.


Did I ever mention to you guys that dad has a flying car? It’s a blue Ford Anglia and he’s been tinkering with it. Mum doesn’t know exactly what he’s done to it but I think that’s best, she doesn’t really understand his thrill when it comes to Muggle stuff and she’ll have an absolute fit if she found out that he’s adapted it so it can fly!


Anyway, we think that we’re going to have to rescue Harry as well; we’ve been writing to him since school finished but he hasn’t replied. Something dodgy is definitely going on; we’re going to give it until the end of the week before taking action though so let me know what Snape says; if he says yes then you can use the floo network (The Burrow) and if he says no then we’ll come get you when we go and get Harry.



I stared at Watson, my owl, for a moment, letting the information process to my brain before I leapt up from my bed and thundered my way from my bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen, where dad was.

It took me a moment to figure out how I was going to approach this matter, in the end I figured that good old fashioned reasoning was the best way to deal with this and so I stared at him for a moment, watching him stare back at me obviously confused. I had meant to sit down and talk about this rationally with him but something in my twelve year old brain snapped and all of my inhibitions went right out of the window.

Please!” I begged, throwing myself onto the floor and grabbing hold of his ankles just a like a two year old would. “Please, dad, I’ve been so good; please let me go! You can’t keep me prisoner forever! PLEASE, DAD!”

He stiffened a little; obviously not wanting to spill his tea on me. “What are you talking about?” He asked.

“Ron invited me to spend the rest of the summer with him, at the Burrow; please let me go!” I blinked up at him but, due to my position on the floor, I could only see up his nose so I couldn’t read his, probably blank, facial expression. I decided that I hadn’t done enough to win him over. “Please, dad, I’ll make you breakfast for the rest of your life! I won’t wee in the shower anymore and I’ll quit watering down your shampoo. Please, just let me go!” Hang on, why the heck did I just say those things? I was supposed to be buttering him up not making him angry!

He waited for a moment before asking “are you quite finished?” When I nodded, he pulled me up from the floor so that he was talking to my face rather than my bum and continued “I was going to lift your punishment soon because, as you said, you were very compliant and-” he paused again “hang on, did you just say that you urinate in the shower” another pause “and you water down my shampoo!”

My face went crimson “well” I muttered “sometimes I need a wee when I’m showering and I can’t be bothered to climb out just to use the toilet…”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now