chapter one

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Music was blaring all around me. I knew I never should have stayed at this party alone. I looked stupid standing off to the side by myself.

It was New Years after all, so it seemed like a good idea to go out and "celebrate" at the time. But it was different then; that was before my best friend completely ditched me and went home with some guy two hours ago.

I sighed as I scanned the room for some sense of what to do next. People were packed in together throughout the establishment. They were dancing and singing and just having the grandest time...all but me.

I really needed to let loose. I've always needed to be less uptight and more free spirited but I just wasn't. That was the underlying reason why I allowed my friend to convince me to come here with her. My new years resolution was to be the least bit like me as possible.

I never took any chances or had any fun. All I ever did was play it safe and quite frankly, I was sick of it. I looked down at my outfit in disgust. I had tried to dress sexy and relatively out of my comfort zone but failed miserably. I probably looked like a hot mess, minus the hot part obviously.

Scanning the room again, as if anything would have changed from the first time, my gaze locked on the makeshift bar. There was a guy loosely tending to it and there seemed to be a good variety of alcohol.

As repulsed as I was by the taste of liquor, I had my heart set on drinking tonight. I inhaled quickly in preparation, knowing if I thought about it enough, I'd back out and go home.

So far so good, I thought, a small smile playing at my lips.

I began weaving my way through people as I headed to the bar. The air became thick and congested as I passed through the sea of people. After dodging a few elbows accidentally thrown in my direction and mumbling a few quick "sorry"s, the bar was only a few meters over.

Being focused solely on the bitterness of alcohol, I didn't even notice that I walked directly into someone, spilling his drink all over him.

"Oh my God," I flushed. "I am so sorry!" I mumbled as I stared wide-eyed at his nice shirt.

It was a collared, short-sleeved button up with an abstract print on it.

"Its alright, love."

His voice was different than I'd expected, causing me to look up. It was soft and kind, full of a warmth I'd never encountered before. It was smooth and high, but nowhere near feminine.

His voice suited his face perfectly. His skin was the color of sweetened coffee and his features were the perfect combination of plain and unique that I'd ever seen. He appeared to be the most averagely perfect person in the world.

"No its not," I sighed. "I'm so stupid, I should have looked where I was going."

I couldn't help but feel dumb. How hard was it to pay attention to your surroundings? Clearly too difficult for me.

"Really love," he smiled. "Its alright."

I bit my lip. If he had reacted like most people and not been so sweet about it, I probably would have escaped the situation. But of course things could never be that easy, could they? It was impossible to shake the guilt of spilling his drink on him. I had to make it up to him somehow.

"Please let me make it up to you."

The small, polite smile that was placed on his face grew into a wickedly handsome grin.

"Well," he said. "You could get a drink with me if you'd like, since I'll be needing a new one," he laughed.

I decided I liked his laugh and nodded in agreement. I couldn't let myself pass up an opportunity to follow my resolution.

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