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A/N: I'm actually not sure anyone will see or read this. It's my first ever fanfic so I am very nervous haha. If someone, by some miracle ends up reading this, I'd love it if you would leave some feedback so I can figure out if and how I should continue with this.

I should once again mention that this story will contain heavy mentions of mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. It's a bit grim but will contain light humor as well so before you dive in, make sure you are ready for it and I'll be doing my best to deliver a worthy story.



Cold. I felt so cold. The heavy downpour of rain had no mercy on my vulnerable skin, each drop like a shard of icy glass pricking the surface of my exposed body. I welcomed the pain, embracing the cold and darkness of the stormy night like an old lover with open arms. Where else could I belong with all this pain inside?

Can I please just erase it all?

My bare feet moved on their own, trudging along the muddy ground. From my peripheral vision, I saw scarlet streaks on white porcelain skin, the blood continuously being washed away onto the earth by the rain pouring from the dark heavens, but the cold had long numbed the pain; I could no longer feel it. If I did, I couldn't acknowledge it. No, what I felt inside overshadowed everything else.

I could hear it now, it was so close. My vision was blurred, whether by the tears sheeting down from my eyes or the sky, I'm not sure but I could make out the dark silhouette of my destination. The weight in my chest coiled even tighter around my lungs and a strangled gasp left my mouth as my sluggish steps became frantic, the soft earth underneath my numb feet slowly giving way to a cold and rocky surface. The roar of the angry waves so loud now even over the torrential rain that it almost drowned out the voices in my head. Almost.

I'm here, finally. This is it. This is where I end, this is where I begin.

Almost like a puppet pulled to a halt by the strings of a puppeteer, my body ceased its resolute march at the edge. The cold had grown so intense I no longer felt anything, even when I could see my body trembling like a lone leaf holding onto a branch for dear life in the midst of a hurricane. What does it matter? I'm so close. I closed my eyes, allowing myself one last moment to savour the end.

I feel... euphoric. The pain, it feels freeing.

My eyes shot open, something wasn't right. I slowly turned on my heels, my shaking hands wiping at my eyes to clear my vision from the tears and pouring rain so I could see what the final obstacle to my destination was.

My stomach dropped at the sight of the tall figure standing a few feet away, his silhouette giving out a tension that I couldn't nor care to comprehend. He was soaked, just as I was but clearly more covered up, with layers of clothes unlike my flimsy shirt and leggings. His features were hidden in the dark of the night and even more obscured by the merciless rain, still pouring with a vengeance.

It doesn't matter. You can't stop me.

"If you are here to push me over, please don't bother. I'll be there by myself soon," I almost couldn't recognize my own voice, as hoarse and unsteady as it was. I didn't think he could hear me over the sound of the furious sea and storm anyway. Turning back to the face of my initial mission, I sank to my knees. "I'd like to be alone, please," I whispered into the void, my head hanging low. "I don't have anything on me worth stealing. If I had, I would give it to you willingly," I exerted a bit more of my waning strength into my voice so it could carry over to this stranger.

Turned out I didn't have to, because next thing my dazed mind could register was the ghost-like individual lowering himself to the rocky ground beside me. "I disagree," His voice was deep and velvety, almost soothing. Almost. "Before you go, at least let me steal your story."

Where We Begin & End II K.N.J IIWhere stories live. Discover now