6: Hold me tight

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Lee Yuna

"Yuna? Are you there?" Prof. In did a quick run through the characters needed for the scene, today is the last day of practice and we're just polishing a few details about the play

"I'm here ma'am" I said while raising my hand.

"Okay, ready, standby" She said and grabbed a chair to settle down.

I fixed a few things in my wardrobe before signaling that I'm ready.

I laid down in the makeshift bed made by the art production and then fixed myself in a very comfortable position.

The scene that we're polishing was the part when the prince leans in for a kiss on the lifeless princess.

"The prince? Where's the prince?" At this point, Prof. In was already irritated and pissed since all of us are moving so slow and we only have a few hours to finish this or else we'll be staying overtime.

"He has a diarrhea" Someone from the crewmen responded

"On the last day of rehearsal? Is he crazy?" She thought about how to replace the missing prince for the mean time

"You... The painter, can you fill in the prince please?"

My comfortable self, felt anxious and uneasy, the thought of 'the painter' replacing the missing prince made me anxious since that painter wasn't just any painter

It was Choi Hyunsuk.

"Me?" He asked while I felt hesitation in his voice

Don't you like to be my prince even just for a play?

"Yes, be the prince, it'll be quick" Prof. In commanded, making him move fast

He wore the prince costume and positioned himself a few inches away from me

"Closer, closer" Prof. In instructed

He made himself comfortable and visible by sitting down on the edge of the bed, my heart stopped beating and my systems malfunctioned at the sight of his charming looks

"When I say action, you lean over to kiss her, okay?"


Is this a dream or something?

If it is, I don't want to wake up ever again.

I heard my friends peeking and shrieking from the backstage, probably feeling the way I'm feeling but 10 times MORE tension

"ACTION!" She gave the signal which made my heart skip a beat

"Oh, you're so beautiful, I have to kiss you" He obviously improvised his script



In my current situation, I can just simply pass away.

He leaned in closer to me, our faces meeting each other as he closed the distance between us.

I kept my eyes close, staying in character but obviously dying inside.

I peeked and opened my eyes to see if this is really happening.


It's really him! The prince charming that I longed for

I decided to just enjoy the moment, I closed my eyes and curled my toes and held tight on the sheets of the bed.

I was being impatient because he was taking TOO long to do the thing that he was being asked to do.

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