13: I never said yes

558 61 62

Lee Yuna

I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling, I shifted my eyes to my window and then at the ceiling again. I brought my phone up to my face and then stood up to sit on my desk.

I nervously opened it and closed it and then opened it again, if the phone could talk, it would've scolded me for closing and opening it repeatedly and not making up my mind.

But I couldn't help but feel nervous and I admit that I have never been this nervous in dialing my own friend's number. Maybe because I know what I did and I know that they haven't heard anything from me right from the start of summer and they're probably mad because of that.

I sighed and let out and irritated groan and then finally decided to open the phone and with my sweaty hands and pounding heart, I dialed Cheer's number, mainly because she's the one I'm closest to and I think she wouldn't resist answering the call.

I stood up from my chair when the line started ringing and foolishly walked around my room, I nervously bit my nails and chanted "Please pick-up" while waiting for someone to answer the phone.

"Hello" someone from the other line responded and I think it's Cheer.

"Hello, is this Cheer?" I happily asked and let a huge sigh of relief

"Hey" she coldly replied, I understood her reaction so I just kept going with what I wanted to tell her

"I always wanted to talk to you guys I-." I was about to tell her something when she interrupted me

"You haven't been hanging out with us for so long that you hardly can even recognize my voice" she said with a flat but stern tone,

I realized that right from the beginning of the call I already asked who was this which is a not-so-good opening remarks for a friend that still has hidden anger towards you.

"I'm sorry, I know I missed a lot from you guys that's why I'm asking this one chance to catch up with you and maybe make things right..." I said while going up the stairs to go to the rooftop because from there, I could have a glimpse of Cheer because our houses are literally just separated by a street.

And when I arrived on our rooftop, she was already sitting on their rooftop so we both waved at each other, but my wave seems more determined and eager while hers was just a little movement of her hands.

"it's funny how we used to just yell at each other when we want to talk about something but we're both too lazy to go down from the roof top" she said in a low tone and a flat expression

"Yeah, I- I wish I had like, more time to make things right with you guys" I guiltily sighed

"We all do, Yuna but... I think you shouldn't be hanging out with us today" she straightforwardly said which confused the hell out of me

"What?" I asked with my eyebrows starting to furrow

"I think I should get going, your boyfriend is waiting for you downstairs, good bye Yuna" she said and then ended the call

I went to the edge of the rooftop to see what she was talking about, only to see Mashiho in front of our house riding his motorbike. I know we had an event going on for today but I thought that was later this afternoon, can he just stop ruining the moment?

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was already 1:00 in the afternoon, I cussed "shit" under my breath and ran downstairs.

I can't blame him now, it's not his fault I lost track of the time because I was too nervous to dial the stupid number on my phone.

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