7: Interference

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Lee Yuna

It's already late in the evening but I still want to practice my script for tomorrow's presentation, I know no one's going to watch the play but I still want to do my best since Hyunsuk is going to watch.

I opened my binder and took out the thick pile of script, almost half of those dialogues are mine as the main character so I'm feeling so much pressure right now.

While I flipped through a few pages of the script, a yellow note fell out of the middle part. I picked it up and realized it was the note that I dragged out of the backstage using my feet, visible from the dirt stains on its surface.

I realized that I snuck it inside my script binder after I successfully made it out of the backstage.

I sighed, as I decided whether to ring the phone number written on the paper, since it's very late and I could be disturbing someone's sleep.

But I decided that I won't waste any time and opportunity so I got up and went to our living room to use our telephone there.

I took a deep breath and shook the nervousness off my hands. I proceeded to dial the shown number, risking my life at every number that I click.

After a few rings, finally, someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" a guy from the other line answered.

"Hello, may I talk to Choi Hyunsuk?" I went straight to the point because I don't want to disturb anyone and waste their precious time.

"This is Hyunsuk, speaking"

My eyes widened realizing that he's the one that I've been talking to, right from the start.

I put the phone down, but I still did not end it, I just placed it on the table because I feel like I was about to EXPLODE.

I ran from the living room to the front of our house outside and whisper-screamed since it was late and all the neighbors are already sleeping. I jumped up and down with my heartbeat racing and my stomach feeling like it was being tied in a knot.

I excitedly ran back to the living room and picked up the phone from the table.

When I brought it back to my ears, I only heard a beeping sound, indicating that the call has already ended.

My smile disappeared and turned into a disappointed frown, I got so angry at myself for being so stupid and letting emotions take over me,

I'm such a fool for leaving him hanging while I did a little celebration a while ago, now that he hung up, I couldn't say the things that I wanted to say.

I guess, I'll see you tomorrow then.


A round of applause was heard from the audience as the dance club finished off their performance. It was so loud that we heard it even from the backstage.

"Yuna, are you okay? You look uneasy" Nim asked while putting on her costume.

She noticed that I've been glancing around the room, feeling uncomfortable and I kept checking over my shoulder obviously looking for someone.

"Hyunsuk, I haven't seen him since morning" I worriedly said while I pressed the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, maybe he's just in the music room or something, heads up, we're next" She said and fixed her hair, stroking it for a few times

I peeked to see the audiences and they were only six of them left, I can tell because you can obviously count them in your fingers.

I don't care how many audiences are there, all I need is him. 

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