11: Silence means yes

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Lee Yuna

"See you tomorrow at 4, in 3rd floor staircase"

As said in the letter, after class, my friends and I went to the 3rd floor staircase but I advised them to stay on the second floor, this will help me have some alone time to myself, thinking about who wrote this note.

I left them at the other end of the staircase on the second floor while I stand near the railings of the stairs. Thoughts were running inside my mind, maybe Hyunsuk placed the note inside my bag? Maybe he's going to ask me to hang out and be friends?

I can't help but overthink, I'm feeling really anxious and uneasy. I also feel like I'm having a panic attack that I want to just jump off from the stairs. I tapped my fingers on the railings of the stairs and peeked to check on my friends, downstairs they were just chilling and eating their snacks.

I waited for a few minutes more, occasionally biting my lips and checking on the people who were passing by the stairs.

While waiting, I heard my friends gasp from downstairs, they were talking about something and shrieking like a celebrity was passing by so I looked down to see who was it.

I looked twice and thrice and blinked a few times; I'm like seeing a ghost.

Going up the stairs was Choi Hyunsuk with his uniform properly tucked in his pants and his hair neatly brushed up.

Seeing him looking very presentable, I got self-conscious and started fixing myself as well. I exhaled and prepared myself for what I was about to hear.

He was just a few meters away from me, I don't know if he's walking slowly but everything seems like in slow-mo.

Finally, Hyunsuk finished going up the stairs and is now standing before me with quite a large distance,

"Uh, Yuna..." He called me, his sweet voice sending tingles inside my stomach

I was just about to respond when that perfect moment ended,

Mashiho went in between us.

"I knew you'd come" Mashiho said with a wide smile forming on his face

"This letter was from you, Mashiho?" I asked while trying to hold back my anger at him because he ruined the moment

I gripped on the paper, I wanted crumple it and throw it away like I never read it and just simply disappear like I was never here.

"Yes, it was from me" He confirmed which disappointed me even more

I regret being here, I regret even reading the note. I was feeling a ton of mixed emotions, anger, frustration and regret but I had to hold all of it back because I don't want to burst it out in front of Hyunsuk.

"Did you want anything?" I simply said, controlling the words that I want to say.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurted those words in front of Hyunsuk who was standing there behind him, watching his friend confess to me. I didn't mind what he just said and turned to Hyunsuk

"What were you going to tell me Hyunsuk?" I asked him, hoping that he'll ask me the same thing that Mashiho just did.

He took a few steps forward going to Mashiho, every step that he takes makes my heart panic and beat louder.

"I was just going to ask you why you're here" my heart was crushed, I repeated what he said again and again to check if I heard it right.

But I unfortunately did.

"But now, I know" He said and gave Mashiho a light tap on his shoulder. He gladly smiled at us but his eyes tells otherwise and he just walked away.

With every step that he takes, I wanted to make him stay but no words came out of my mouth. I just watched him leave, I know I could've straightforwardly told the both of them that I like Hyunsuk but I know this isn't the right time to confess.

"So? What do you say?" Mashiho urged me to answer his question but I don't know what to say, I have nothing to say, I didn't want to say no and I also don't want to lie so I just kept silent with tears forming on the corner of my eyes but I tried back to hold it in.

"Silence means yes to me" Mashiho said when he still didn't get my response.

I myself don't know my own answer.


That afternoon, I didn't go straight home but instead went with my friends to talk about what just happened between me, Mashiho and Hyunsuk. I told them about the whole confusion and confession thingy and how Mashiho misinterpreted my silence as yes.

"Where did Mashiho come from?" Cheer said while twirling in her rolling seat

We were at the salon of Kie's parents, chilling and thinking about what happened awhile ago. I know I needed their help because they're the only person that I know that can understand me.

"What was your response?" Nim asked

"I didn't say anything"

"Well, you have to think twice, as you said, he's Hyunsuk's best friend, if ever you make any mistake, Hyunsuk is going to kill you" Cheer warned me, but I don't think Hyunsuk is ever gonna do that.

But I still have a bigger problem, how can I say that this is all just a misunderstanding?



Hi guys! I'm sorry if this is just a short and simple chapter because I completely did this in a rush because I have a ton of school works to do but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so I apologize for posting a very short chapter, just think of this as a bridge or transition going to a next season of this story, I promise you guys that I'll upload longer stories for the next chapters just not today because I have a lot of things to do, thank you for your support and understanding.

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