behind closed doors | 18+

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 s u m m a r y 

"Intimate relationships among the teachers is prohibited in this academy. So make sure no one hears your moans from behind closed doors."


After years of hard work, infinite patience and endless prayers, Antonia Rodriguez could finally achieve her dream of being a History professor at Queen's Academy, one of Britain's most prestigious universities. Even so, she felt her life succumbing to further dormancy. The consecutive disappointments in her private life only intensified her insatiable desires. Desires that included getting tied up and being used like a ragdoll by a dominant man.

In an unexpected turn of events, Antonia's wildest fantasies come true in the form of a handsome thirty-two years old man named Rhys Clyde, who also happened to be the Chancellor of the very academy she taught in. Young, brilliant, powerful and with a PhD in Mathematics, Professor Clyde is more than the proper gentleman he appears to be, hiding a dark personality which is reserved exclusively for bedroom exhortations.

Tempted by each other and the illicit nature of their relationship, the two are in for a dangerous gamble.


p r e f a c e 

This book is erotica, so it will contain mature aspects, sexual themes, kinky sex, BDSM, verbal and physical degradation. So, if you are not comfortable with such matters, this might just not be for you. Before you start reading, as a general warning, please keep a jug of holy water and the Bible near you. 

Thank you.



R H Y S   C L Y D E

R H Y S   C L Y D E

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A N T O N I A   R O D R I G U E Z


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BEHIND CLOSED DOORS | 18+ |✔Where stories live. Discover now