- 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 -

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Atsumu fiddled with his fingers anxiously. The doctor had gone to check up on Kiyoomi after they had heard a loud alarm coming from his hospital room.

He closed his eyes and prayed that it should be a good news. He watched as the doctors slowly approached them-kiyoomi's parents and atsumu.

Akira stood up with her husband, asking the tired doctor what had happened.

He smiled a little, "He is semi-conscious." The words echoed around the empty ward.
"He can't move right now. Still, He can listen to all activities happening, but he can't react to them," he paused. "For now, that is."

Akira's eyes watered a little, which she was quick in hiding. A little smile of relief graced her features.

Kiyoomi's dad thanked the doctor, and talked to him a little more.

Atsumu smiled at akira, whose smile never left. She was happy that her prayers were slowly getting answered.

"You can talk to him now, but make sure not to make any mentions about the accident, nor any other sensitive topics. Try to make him feel happy." The doctor reminded them, before walking off to his cabin.

"Please go ahead." Atsumu says, and smiles at kiyoomi's parents.

They nodded and smiled back, walking towards the door, to finally see their child's face after days of worry.

Atsumu sighed and leaned back on the wall, he looked at the ceiling that was painted in white, plain, simple and empty. He was glad, that he could finally speak with him, even though he wouldn't reply back- he knew he would one day. And that day wasn't far away. His instict said so.

He stared at the clock, that was slowly ticking away the time that was left for him to face kiyoomi, especially after all that's happened in such a short span of days.

It felt like months, since he last spoke to him; but still that last night they spent cuddling stayed fresh as a memory like it just occured yesterday.

He heard the door click, to which he looked up to see kiyoomi's parents gesturing him to go inside.

Atsumu stood up and let out a heavy breath, mustering the courage in him, to see kiyoomi.

He smiled as he walked past akira and her husband, entering the cold room.

He saw kiyoomi.

Atsumu controlled his hitched breath and pulled the stool, taking a seat next to the other.

The sight before him made his heart shatter. The man he had known for more than a year, who has laughed with him, walked with him, went through all the trouble with him, helped him; was now lying in a hospital bed, not moving a muscle as if he was trapped, hooked to machines that beeped continuously, the very hand that ruffled his hair, now in a cast, which would require a month to heal.

It hurt him seeing kiyoomi like this. He wanted to walk away, run away from all this, go to his mom, hug her and cry his heart out.

But no, he didn't. He believed this was what god had wanted to happen, and everything happens for a reason. There must be reason for it, there always is. But that still doesn't mean he would let anyone take kiyoomi away from him. He would do anything to get him back, and if it meant being patient and waiting; atsumu would gladly do that.

He couldn't just say that he was the only one in pain right now. Just a glance at Kiyoomi would tell how much pain he was in right now. Atsumu visualised being in a dark empty room, where he can't move a muscle, speak, see, react, shout or scream at anything. He thought about what kiyoomi would say to him if he was there in his shoes.

"...hi omi.." he started, after the brief pause. "I really don't know what to say right now, you know. This is awkward." Atsumu chuckled sadly.

"I miss you. I really do. As cheesy as it may sound, without you everything is so boring." He laughed alone, " so come back. Talk to me. Ruffle my hair again. Smile for me." Atsumu held his head, and tried not to cry.

Composing himself a little he continued, "Did you know that I was voted the best singer for the year? I beat ya! You're the loser!" He stuck his tongue out at the boy. "Take care of yourself there, wherever you are right now - but if you go somewhere from now on, take me with you, or I'm not cleaning our room anymore."

"It feels so stupid to talk alone omii!" He whined, but got silence as a reply, which wasn't surprising considering the situation right now. "I really don't know if i should say this now, but-" he paused.

"It seems you are my soulmate, its funny." He laughed, "You told me you don't believe in it didn't ya? I read the letters in your room, I'm really sorry for taking it without your permission though. We've been getting almost the same letters. When i thought about it, it made a lot of sense." He settled back on the stool, and closed his eyes.

"Also, When i told ya i love you, you said it back without any hesitation right? What did ya mean back then? That you like 'love-loveeee' me?? You never even told me we were dating! You can't just say it outta nowhere! Hmph!" He pouted playfully. No matter how weird it seemed, it felt nice to talk like this after a while.

"You should have kissed me." Atsumu said with a smirk, to which he knew if kiyoomi was awake, he would defenitely be embarrassed.

"Thats all i can think of to talk about right now! I'll be leaving now,see ya soon omi kun! Next time you better talk to me!" Atsumu says enthusiastically, masking how sad he feels right now, and makes his way towards the door.

Wiping his tears, and clicking the door open, he was quite unaware of how kiyoomi's fingers twitched a little behind his back.


A lot of people left comments saying that you thought you skipped a chapter! don't worry it was done purposefully lol. It was meant to be without any proper  closure on how it happened, hope this helped?

Oh and also, only two more chapters to go for this fic to end!!

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