3. Library

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Draco's POV:

I don't know what came over me, but as soon as I saw her rushing out the Great Hall after what looked like having an argument with her friends, I couldn't help but follow her.

It didn't take long for me find her once I got out the Hall as I was much taller than she was, so I began to follow her to wherever it was going. She was too upset about whatever had happened with her friends that she didn't even notice me following her half way across the school to the library.

She entered the library but I decided to wait a few minutes before entering so it wouldn't make it too obvious that I had followed her. After those few minutes had been over I went in through the doors and immediately let my eyes wander the room for her blonde hair.

It didn't take me long to find her, but I froze when I saw who she was with. None other than the filthy mudblood, Hermione Granger. What on earth was a girl like Delilah, a Pureblood, doing with a mudblood like Granger?! I mean it was bad enough that her two 'best friends' were Halfbloods, but beings friends with a mudblood is just too far. They are such a waste of magic and space.

I decided to walk closer and pretend to look for a book right next to the section they were sat at. As I got closer I could just about manage to hear what they were saying.

"And then she said that a big life event was going to happen soon which at first will seem awful, but then will become a blessing", explained Delilah, in a hushed tone hoping nobody would hear. What is she going on about?! I thought to myself.

"What do you think she meant by that?" questioned Hermione in her annoying voice.

"I don't really know 'mione, I thought it was just the OWLs but Ash seems to think it's going to be a boyfriend." Boyfriend?! I was so shocked and confused by what I just heard that I managed to drop the book I was holding in my hand, making it land on the floor with a big thump.

But before I even had time to react, they had already seen me. "Are you spying on us Malfoy?" Granger questioned. Fuck.

"And what makes you think that?" I snapped back, picking up the book I had just dropped on the floor a few seconds ago.

"Because we're in the Herbology section and you dropped out of the subject after your father complained that it was too dangerous because you got bit by that Mandrake", she replied, annoyance obvious in her tone. Shit, I forgot about that.

"Well, I'm just checking something mudblood", I said. I knew how much she hated being called that so hopefully it would distract her from questioning me. But sadly it didn't.

"Yeah, sure you are", she rolled her eyes. Since when did Granger get so sassy? I thought. I looked over to her left to look at Delilah who had a confused look painted on her face.

"What're you looking at Davis?" I snapped at her, making her jump slightly and her face turned to a shocked expression.

But she quickly recovered and replied, "Well I think it's polite to look at people when they're talking to you."

"I wasn't talking to you though, was I?" I scoffed.

"At least I'm not the one spying on people", she said turning her head back to Granger to continue their conversation, but I wasn't happy with the way they were speaking to me.

"I wasn't fucking spying though. Why would I possibly want to spy on you or Granger?"

"I don't know, maybe to report back to daddy dearest on how Potter and the rest of the Golden trio are doing, because we all know how you are obsessed with him", she snapped.

I'm not sure what I was going through my head when I decided that the best thing to reply with was, "Well at least I have a father".

As soon as I said that I could see her expression completely change and her eyes glazing over with tears, suddenly making me deeply regret what I said. I wasn't worried about my mother finding out though, I was worried about how I had made her feel. What is wrong with me, why do I feel like this?

I didn't know what to do so I began to say "Delilah I-" before she stood up and interrupted me.

"Fuck you Malfoy," she said whilst shoving past me, tears glistening in her eyes before continuing "and don't fucking call me Delilah, I'm Davis to you". The way she said that made my heart hurt but I couldn't say anything as she had already run off down the aisle, out of the library.

Granger was quick to follow behind her but not before saying "That's low Malfoy, even for you". She then rushed off down the aisle to run after Deli- Davis.

"Shit", I murmured, throwing the book back down onto the floor and storming out of the library. Why do I have to go and fuck everything up?

Delilah's POV:

"I'm sorry", I said to Hermione who was currently rubbing my back and comforting me.

"Don't ever be sorry for crying Lilah, it's better out than in right?" she said, continuing to rub circles on my back and wipe away my tears.

"Yeah I guess", I replied. "I don't even know why I'm sad, having two moms is the best thing in the world and I can't imagine my life without either of them".

"It's okay to be sad, it-", however, before she could finish she was interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Lilah?! Are you alright?" I looked up to see Ash looking down at me with a concerned looking Grayson standing next to her.

"I'd rather not talk about it, sorry" I said so quietly, not even sure if they heard me, but they did.

"Don't worry," Gray started before sitting down next to me, "you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to". He pushed the hair that was covering my face behind my ear, before putting his hand on my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"Yeah, but do know that if you ever want to talk about anything, we're here for you", said Ash before coming down to join Gray, Hermione and I on the floor.

"Thanks guys, what did I do to deserve you?" I said, starting to get even more emotional. "I love you so much". I then reached forward to gather them in my arms for a group hug.

It was that day I realised that I had the best friends in the whole entire world.

And it was also that day that I realised I hated Draco Malfoy.


Author's note:

Sorry this chapters kind of short and boring but trust me, it's about to get super juicy! (Also I realise that Draco didn't drop Herbology in second year but I just thought I'd put it in there. It's my story so I can do what I like)

Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in future chapters xx

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