13. The Manor

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Delilah's POV:

Once the world stopped spinning, I was able to finally catch my bearings. I looked around where Draco had apparated us. I was in a big, dark room with a large fire blazing in front of me. I looked up and saw a glass chandelier. Why does it look so familiar? I thought to myself as I continued to take in the room, I feel like I've been here before.

And suddenly it hit me. I was in Narcissa's home, his home - Malfoy Manor.

I hadn't realised I was shaking until Draco took Indie out of my arms in fear I would drop her. "Quickly, come with me", he urged, before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room and up the stairs.

He pulled me, whilst still carrying Indie firmly in his arms, up a few staircases and through a couple of corridors until he stopped outside a door. He pushed his hand down on the handle and opened the door, walking us into his room.

As soon as we walked in I knew exactly where I was, I was in Draco Malfoy's bedroom.

It was a bit lighter than I thought it would be, especially compared to the rest of the manor, and there was much less green than I had imagined. The walls were a dark grey colour and attached to the ceiling was a three tiered chandelier, very different to the one downstairs. There was a huge window on the other side of the room with a chair piled with a few books next to it. He had a huge king sized bed covered with a very comfy and expensive looking duvet and a few throw pillows. In the corner of the room there was a door which I guessed led to his en-suite bathroom, lucky him, and next to the door was a huge wardrobe, which could probably fit a whole store full of clothes in.

"So, as you've probably already guessed, were at my house and this is my room", he said, breaking the silence.

"Why are we here?" I asked, genuinely confused as to why he took me to Malfoy Manor in such a rush.

"It's a long story", he said.

"We have time. I think", I added, realising I had no idea what was going on and if we had time or not.

"Okay, fine", he sighed before rearranging some pillows on his bed to make a makeshift crib for Indie, and placing her in it. "I don't want to go into too much detail because I don't like talking about it, and it's not my finest moment", he said, then sat down on the bed next to where I was sitting.

He flinched when I took his hand in mine in attempt to comfort him, but instead of snatching it away like I thought he'd do, he interlaced his fingers with mine. I gave him a faint smile to tell him I was ready to listen whenever he was ready to talk.

"As you probably already know, my father is quite a well known Death Eater," he began, and I nodded, "so when he got himself locked up in Azkaban last summer, you can imagine the Dark Lord was not very happy at all. Because my father was no help anymore, he turned to me and in that summer he made me a Death Eater, and I had no choice", he said as he let go of my hand and rolled up his sleeve to reveal his Death Marks making me gasp. "If I'm being honest, I wanted to be one at first to impress my father, but once I actually became one and realised the true reality of it, I instantly regretted it."

Some tears began to roll down his cheek, so I wiped it away for him with my sleeve. To my surprise, he didn't flinch away when I did, so I continued to do it again when more tears appeared.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, he continued the story, "But sadly, that isn't where it ends. A few days after I became one, he gave me two tasks. Two horrible, horrible tasks that I had to complete by the end of the year otherwise he'd- otherwise he said he would kill me and my mom." I gasped at his confession and brought him into a hug to comfort him as even more tears began to fall down his cheek.

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