15. Muggles

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Delilah's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone playing with my hair. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that I was at Malfoy Manor and that I was in bed with Draco, in his shirt. When my eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the light, I turned around to face him.

"Morning gorgeous", he whispered before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Good morning", I sighed, then turned to lie down on my back and stretch my arms out.

"Nice shirt", he smirked when he remembered I was wearing his shirt.

"As much as I love it," I began, "I'm afraid I can't live in your clothes forever."

"Who says you can't?" he yawned.

"I say. As comfy as they are, they're far too big for me and I don't think it'll be very appropriate for me to walk around with my trousers falling down all the time."

"Fair point", he said as he stood up out of bed and walked over to grab Indie from her crib.

"Are you free today?" I asked as he walked back over, sat down onto the bed and lay Indie in between us.

"Yeah, actually, I think I am. I have a meeting with that Dark Lord tomorrow, but none today as far as I am aware, so I'm all yours. What d'you have planned?"

"Well I was thinking we could go shopping", I replied. He looked confused and raise an eyebrow at me, so I continued, "You know, for clothes for me and Indie since we don't have any."

"I hate to break it to you darling, but there aren't many places I'm welcome anymore considering people believe I was the one who killed Dumbledore."

"I know a place", I said before giving him a smirk and telling him to get dressed.


"I've told mom we'll be out all day with Indie, unless the Dark Lord calls, so she'll cover for me", he said as he came back into the room.

"Okay, good. You ready to go?" I asked before picking up Indie into my arms.

"I guess, can you please tell me where we're going now?" he begged, eager to know where I was taking him where we wouldn't risk people knowing who he was.

"Nope," I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "you'll have wait until we get there". He rolled his eyes at this but I just laughed. I grabbed hold of his hand and apparated us to our destination.

Once we stopped spinning, we stepped through the door and Draco looked around, curious as to where I had taken him. "Um- where are we?" he asked as he realised he didn't recognise the place and hadn't been there before.

"We, Draco, are at Westfield!" I smiled as I looked around.

"Westfield?" he asked.

"Westfield", I repeated.

"Are you sure you took us to the right place because I don't know about you, but this doesn't really look like a field", he said, genuinely confused.

I couldn't help it, but I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked as he scrunched his eyebrows.

"Westfield is the name of the shopping centre we're in, it's not an actual field", I said as I tried to hold back my laugh.

"Oh, okay. That makes more sense. How come I've never heard of it before though? Is it new or something?" he asked as he inspected the area again.

"No, it's been here for years. We're in London, in the muggle world", I told him.

"Muggles? Why on earth have you taken me to a muggles shopping centre?" he said, I could tell he was slightly disgusted by being in the presence of muggles.

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