18. Love

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(Credit to J.K Rowling for some of the dialogue in this chapter).

Draco's POV:

"Severus", spoke the noseless bastard, "I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we've saved you a seat".

Here I was, sitting in yet another Death Ester meeting, bored out of my mind. I wished for nothing more than to be back in my room with Lilah and Indie, instead of wasting my times at these useless meetings.

"It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall", said my favourite professor as he took a seat at my dining room table.

"I've heard differently, my Lord", spoke Yaxley, he was one of the only Death Eaters I actually knew the name of. At this point there were too many to count and way too many to keep track of their names. I can't believe I let my father drag me into this life, I thought, not that I had a choice though.

I hadn't realised I'd zoned out until I heard the table of people laughing at something the Death Eater next to me had said.

"What says you Pius?" said the Dark Lord.

"One hears many things, my Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear."

"Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful Pius", he then turned his head back to Snape. "Where will the boy be taken, a safe house?"

"Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack him", he replied.

As much as I despised Harry, I did feel quite sorry for him with all of these horrible Death Eaters out to kill him. After, all he technically hasn't done anything wrong.

"My Lord", said my deranged aunt, "I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy."

A scream sounded from the dungeons. "Wormtail!" Voldemort shouted, making me jump a bit, "Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guests quiet?"

"Yes, my Lord. Right away, my Lord", he said before running off. What a teachers pet.

He then turned back to face my aunt before speaking again, "As inspiring as I find you're bloodlust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter".

"But, I face an unfortunate complication", he continued. "That my wand and Potter's share the same core. They are, in some ways, twins. We can wound but not fatally harm one another", he then placed his wand down onto the table. "If I am to kill him, I must do it with another's wand."

He then began walking around the room in my direction, "Surely one of you would like the honour, hmm? What about you, Lucius?" he said as he approached and stopped by my father. Ew, he smells of rotten fish.

"My Lord", said my father, sounding scared. What the fuck is he scared about? I thought to myself. I mean, he was the one that dragged my mother and I into this after all.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Voldemort snap the end of my fathers wand off. "And the core?"

"Dragon heartstring", he said, still sounding and looking fearful.

"Dragon heartstring?" repeated the Dark Lord, to which my father nodded, before throwing the end of his cane on to the table.

"To those of you who do not know, we are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I was well aware of who she was and, even though I don't fully agree with everything she teaches, she definitely doesn't deserve this.

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