Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys

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Fire. Death. Misery.

It was all becoming way too familiar to me these days. I staggered forward, through the explosions. Through the pain. Keep running. Never stop running. Around me I heard the taunts and jeers of the Dracs. Toying with me. Thats all they were doing.

Keep running. Never stop. If I stopped it was death. I had to keep going for the sake of those I loved. If they were even alive. BL/ind had taken everything from me, my family, my art. Even my freedom. Suddenly one strange numbing sensation coursed through my back and I was sent flying forwards into the dirt and the grit of the desert sand.


I moaned in the sand, unable to move. So weak. That explosion had almost killed me. Or was I already dead? So weak. So cold. So alone. No reason to keep fighting. No strengh to do anything exept bleed and die.

"Get up!"

Strong hands in expensive leather gloves pulled me to my feet by the hair. I felt cold metal cuffs close around my wrists behind my back. Dozens of those violent things surrounded me, all pointing those colourless ray guns in my face.

"Go on then. Finish the job!" I spat at them.

One of them slapped me for my outburst. "Not just yet. The Bossman wants a word with you."

Great. Just what I needed. The stab wound I'd attained from a drac earlier was bleeding more and more. I could feel myself getting lightheaded, maybe I'd die before he got here anyway. I thought of all the things I'd done in my life, all the monsters that I'd been. Was it all worth it? When it came down to those last few moments in time, was any of it ever worth it? The cosmos cared little for our petty wars and vendettas. Our romances, our chemical addictions. As we slowly killed ourselves, did anyone even know? Or care? F god was real, he'd turned his back on us years ago. Lost hope for humankind. I couldn't blame him for that. No, we had nothing to believe in anymore.

I'd never been a killjoy. To be honest, they scared me. I knew BL/ind was wrong to completely control our lives, but at the same time i never sought to stop it.

My husband did.

Now, because they knew his family would support and protect him no matter who he was, they sought to kill us all. They took my daughter first. That was the threat, the warning. The statement that shouted "if your partner doesn't give up, we'll kill you all". So instead of giving up, saving us all what did he do? Try to rescue her.

Two days after that here I am, being blown apart. Did BL/ind care that i worked in their S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W division? Of course not. In their minds, i was a killjoy loving lunatic. They chose to ignore the fact i'd helped hunt down a good 13 killjoys in my career. No one to save me. No one to care.

I heard a door open. I looked up. A car had pulled up on the dirt track, and the boss was climbing out along with two Dracs. It was really odd, because one of them was tiny, about the size of a child. He stood in front of me, grinning. "October Jones. Perfect record, well known good worker in the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W department. Why become a Killjoy sympasiser?"

"I didn't you useless twat!! It was my husband, I had nothing to do with the killjoys!"

"A likely story."

I was about to argue back, but a wave of dizziness overcame me and I fell to my knees. I was beyond the point of arguing, Of fighting. I just wanted to die. "Just kill me already," I whispered.

"No. Not before I get the last laugh."

What the......

He waved his arm at the two Dracs who'd left the car with him. "Say hello to your husband and child, October."

My world stopped. Litrally ended right there. Soon enough, i was choking back sobs.

No. Not my little girl. It was impossible.

"You see October, I always win. nothing will ever stop me and that's the way I like it." he pulled out his own ray gun and pointed it at my stomach.

"Any famous last words?" he mocked.

"Yeah. I used to fear the killjoys, despise them for being different. You know what? THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF, THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY. ITS TIME TO DO IT NOW AND DO IT LOUD, KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE!!!"

I felt the red hot laser pass through me, and I gasped. It was so painful, much worse than I had ever imagined. I closed my eyes and let the dark take me.

---------------------------First ever story so don't be too harsh. Had Spacing issues as you can see.Please review and stay tuned for part 2!!-------------

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