Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys Chapter 3

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The second day of my capture was even worse than the first one.

"Please, I swear I'm on your side!" Another slap. "Are you stupid? You think I'm going to believe you?! Now I'm not going to ask you again. Where is the desert base of the Dracs based?"

I simply spat in his face. "I'll tell you once you start fucking believing I'm on your side!"

He roughly untied me from the chair and threw me to the ground. I moaned and my head hit the floor, and I felt wetness pooling at the back of my head. "Why are so so stubborn?! Just fucking kill me now if you don't believe me," I shouted, spitting out blood.

"Believe me, I'd love to. But I can't kill you until I find out all of your secrets!"

"I can't tell you until you accept me as an equal and not the enemy."

He sneered at me. "Well I guess we're stuck then, aren't we?"

He walked over and kicked me once, twice, three times. He spat on me, and then left the room, locking the door behind him.

I willed myself to move. Slowly, I managed to drag my bloody and beaten body to the corner of the pitch black room.

I sobbed. And I mean sobbed. I was sick of being used and abused, thrown around like a ragdoll. Why wouldn't they just kill me?

I held my head in my shaking hands. I'd never been in so much pain before. I was covered in my own blood, my once White clothes were now covered in red.

Why were they doing this to me? For fucks sake, they acted worse than BL/ind! I'd thought I'd have peace here, be able to join their noble cause. I was obviously wrong.

The killjoys weren't all they were cracked up to be.

Suddenly, the door opened and I was practically blinded as someone switched the lights on. What, they were already back for more?

But it was Kobra Kid. He locked the door behind him, and walked over, kneeling by my side. "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this, Party Poison's taken things way too far. I barely recognise him anymore. It's like he's forgotten what it's like to be on the receiving end of all this torture."

Kobra Kid began to pull things from a bag he had with him. He put a bowel on the floor, and filled it with water from a bottle. He then dipped a cloth in it and began to wipe away the blood from my cuts and bruises. I'd occasionally wince as he went over an injury.

The water was like a sigh of relief on my skin. I was at a loss to describe what it was like, having a killjoy actually help me instead of beat me up. It was nice to know they weren't all spiteful maniacs hell bent on revenge.

He also gave me some water and food and I gulped it down like I hadn't seen food in years.

He looked at me seriously once I was finished eating. "October, there's only one thing I don't understand. Why won't you just tell us what we need to hear? If you hate BL/ind, then why not give us the power to bring them down?"

I felt tears collect in my eyes. "Because the moment I do the Red one will kill me!" I said, tears beginning to fall again. He looked alarmed at my outburst.

He sat on the floor next to me, and gestured for a hug with his arms. I fell into his arms gladly crying into his chest.

"Shh. It'll be okay, you'll see." he rubbed my back reassuringly. I shivered a bit, and he looked at me with concern. "You cold?"

Before I even had time to protest, he'd taken his red leather jacket off and put it on me. I relaxed into the sent of Cologne and leather. For the first time in a while, I smiled.

I felt..... Safe with this guy. It was nothing like a teeny romance, but he felt like a brother to me. He was the only one who had been nice to me, and it restored some of my faith for humanity.

"So, are you gonna tell me your real name yet?"

He laughed. "I can't run that risk. I have my suspicions that Korse has this place bugged."

"Oh," Was all I said.

"I meant what I said. I'm so so sorry things have to be this way."

"Kobe, I'm so damn confused. When I woke up and saw that the Killjoys had found me yesterday, I was so happy. I was all set to join you, tell you everything I knew. But all's they've done is hurt me. I thought you guys were all about freedom and humanity, That's why so many people are turning to the killjoys for help. All's I've seen is the exact same way they treat people in Battery City."

He sighed.

"It's hard, you know? We're so scared of BL/ind we've kinda become like them. It's sick and wrong, but you gotta fight fire with fire."

He looked down at his watch.

"Shit! I've been down here for ages. I'm sorry, but I've got to go." he stood up. I offered him his jacket, but he shook his head. "Nah, you need it more than I do right now. I'll see you tomorrow, Kay? Just stay strong."

He closed the door behind him, and I inhaled the sent of his jacket. With the warm leather that now blanketed my shoulders, it was so easy to pretend he was here with me.

Kobra Kid.

A killjoy.

A friend.

Ha, I know itS been forever. I promise to write more soon :)

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