Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys Chapter 4

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I was woken to the sound of soft, broken sobs coming from the eating area of the diner. My watch said it was 3AM. Who was awake at this time?

Squinting slightly in the dark, I swung my legs off the bed and walked across my room, my bare feet making little squishy noises on the cold floor. I pushed open my door, and walked to the diner.

At first glance I was confused; the room was empty. But as my eyes adjusted to the absence of light in the room, I saw a red haired figure slumped on the floor, a bottle of Whiskey in one hand and a knife in the other. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the deep bloody gouges Gerard had carved into his left arm.

I couldn't believe it. He'd managed to stay off the drink for five years, and now he was back the way he had always been.


He looked up at me, his eyes bloodshot and full of tears. The look in his eyes was so defeated, so heart broken that it made me want to cry. Cautiously, I bent beside him, taking the bloody knife from his grip and skidding it across the floor and away from his reach. He looked at me, tears streaming down his face.

"Mm sorrryy," he mumbled drunkenly.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here for you."

I pulled him into an embrace. His small frame shook violently in my arms as he sobbed. "Gee, what caused you to do all of this?" I asked tentatively.

"I ddreamt -BL/ind still hadd me locked up. I could feeeel themmm, slowly taking away allll of my feeeeeling. They're sooooo strong Mikeyyyyyyy. I'm......I'm so scaredd they'll gett me againn."

He cried even more and I winced, rubbing his back reassuringly. The state we'd found him in was so horrific. It took him weeks to recover, and he's never been the same since.

"Its all right Gee. I'll never let them hurt you again. I promise."

It broke my heart to see Gee like this again. He'd always suffered from depression, but by some small miracle for the last five years he'd been so happy, it had felt like my brother had been back. It saddened me so much to see that the dark days were looming yet again.

"Gee, I'm gonna go get a bandage for your arm. I'll be back in a minute. You want a drink of water or something?" He nodded. I smiled sadly at him, and got up. Seeing as he was completely wasted, He needed something to re-hydrate him.

I knew for a fact that there was loads of First Aid stuff under the diner bar, And I pulled out a bottle of water, a towel, and a big bandage. I got a cup, filling it with water, and walked over to him. He took the cup from my hands and gulped it down urgently.

"Poison, this is going to hurt like hell, but I've got to do it. I don't want those cuts to get infected by that rusty ass knife."

He just nodded, closing his reddened eyes. I poured the rest of the water on his wounds, and he moaned in pain. The blood began to flow even more, and I hastily pressed the towel against his arm to stop the blood.

"Wheresssss thee othersss?"

"Sleeping, probably. I was asleep, but I heard you crying and it woke me up."

As if his words had made them appear, Jet Star, Fun Ghoul and Grace materialised in the door of the room. They all looked tired as hell. Shock crossed their faces as their eyes fell onto Poison.

Tears formed in Grace's eyes.

With an audible sob, she opened the door of our safehaven and ran into the night. She'd probably gone to Dr Death Defying's little radio shack, which she often took shelter in when she was upset. I felt a pang of guilt. I should have told someone to cover her eyes or something. She'd seen so much death and pain in her life, something I thought was mostly all of our faults. Sometimes we forgot she was just a kid.

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