Chapter I: Agressive Negotiations

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Pan down from the stars, enter a Tantive III Corvette. Two pilots are sitting in front of our 3 heroes, Padmè Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn, flying towards a trade federation starship to negotiate the droid blockade and occupation on Naboo.

Pilot #1: We're approaching the starship Senator.

Padmè: Good, hail them and request to board immediately.

Pilot #1: Yes Senator. (To pilot #2) Hail them.

Pilot #2: Yes sir.

As they approach the Separatist Startship, the Co-Pilot starts hailing the starship. As she does this, a protocol droid answers the call.

TC-14: Yes?

Pilot #2: With all due respect towards Ambassador Gunray, the Senator and her ambassadors would like to board immediately.

TC:14: Of course! I will lower the shield and let the Ambassador know you're here.

As the ship lowers itself towards the bay doors so the ship can dock itself, the 2 jedi talk to each other amongst themselves.

Obi-Wan: I have a bad feeling about this.

Qui Gon Jinn: I don't sense anything. Are you sure you're ready for this son?

Obi-Wan: I am. It's not about the mission, however Qui Gon. Its something elsewhere. Elusive.

Qui Gon Jinn: Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs. This is very important for the progression of The Clone War. It could very well end it.

Obi-Wan: Doesn't Master Yoda say we should be mindful of the future?

Qui Gon Jinn: Of course we should but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living force son. You needn't worry. The negotiations should be short.

Obi-Wan: Yes Master.

They both put their robes above their heads and prepare to get off the ship. They both close their robes as to conceal their lightsabers, the ancient and most sacred weapon of the Jedi. Padme arms herself with a royal silver blaster pistol and conceals it within her vest pocket as it's small enough. As their vessel lands in the starships hangar, the ships doors open up as droid security walks around the hangar, touching up Vulture Droids, and whatnot. Then TC-14 walks up to the ship doors and greets Padme and her Jedi ambassadors.

TC-14: Greetings Senator, the ambassadors of Cato Neimoidia have been expecting you. Please, follow me

Padmè follows TC-14 and the two Jedi follow close behind her. They follow TC-14 into a chamber that looks like a conference room. TC-14 motions at the chairs, offering for them to take a seat.

TC-14: Please, sit down. Ambassador Gunray will be with you shortly.

Padmè: Thank you.

TC-14 leaves the room, presumably to get the Ambassador. They all sit down, the 3 of them.

Cut to the Ambassador talking to TC-14, who informs them of who has arrived.

Gunray: What did you say?

TC-14: Her ambassadors are Jedi, sir

Rune Hakko: I want no part of this if Jedi are involved. This is already going too far.

Gunray: Calm down you imbicile. Don't worry. I'll contact Lord Sidious.

Meanwhile, in the chamber, Padmè, Obi-Wan and Qui Gon talk.

Obi-Wan: Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?

Padmè: No certainty not. Something doesn't feel right.

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