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                              Episode I                         The Clone War

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Episode I
The Clone War

War! A CLONE ARMY has been instated in the GALACTIC REPUBLIC to protect the freedoms of Star Systems across the Galaxy. To combat the Grand Army of the Republic, Separatist Forces and Leaders have decided to create new divisions of their already lethal Battle Droids. Under the leadership of CHANCELLOR SHEEV PALPATINE, Negotiations have been widespread throughout the galaxy for a peaceful transition.

Both the Republic Forces and The Jedi have sent out spies in order to gain more information on the Separatist military project. Leader of the Separatists, COUNT DOOKU, former apprentice of Grand Master Yoda, is in charge of the New Military Division, making them more ferocious and violent in nature.

Naboo's own Senator Amidala, along with two Jedi Knights Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn, are attempting to reach out and communicate with Separatist affiliates over the planet of Naboo, the Senaors home planet. The negotiations could determine the fate of the entire galaxy....

Star Wars Episode I: The Clone War Where stories live. Discover now