Chapter VII: The Battle Of Naboo

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Chapter Starts.

Back at the grasslands of Naboo, Padmè, Obi-Wan, Qui Gon, Jar Jar, and Korran stand with R2, viewing his holo-map of their surroundings. They plan out the next move with Commander Wolffe.

Padmè: Ok so.... According to Tarpals reconnaissance report, the situation now is that the few hundred pilots and guards that are in the city have formed a small militia but it won't be enough for the city to survive. My guess is the Ambassador captured the Queen and is holding her hostage.

Commander Wolffe: What's our next move, sir?

Padmè looks to Captain Tarpals.

Padmè: Captain, are your men prepared.

Captain Tarpals: We are ready, Senator. My men are prepped and ready to defend the grasslands.

Padmè: Good. Commander Wolffe, you and your Clone Troopers will help the battlefield along with Captain Tarpals and the Gungan Army.

Commander Wolffe: Yes, sir.

Qui Gon chimes in.

Qui Gon: Are you sure this'll work, Senator? The city would still be under refuge, and Me and Obi-Wan can't do this entire thing ourselves.

Padmè: Don't worry, Master Jedi. This battle is real, but it is also a diversion. The Clones and The Gungans will lead Battle Droids away from the city. There'll still be some left over but it won't be as much.

Commander Wolffe: I'll send some of my men with you so you aren't completely stranded, Senator.

Padmè: Thank you, Commander.

Padmè then looks to Korran

Padmè: Korran....

He looks up.

Padmè: I need you to lead the charge with The Clones and The Gungans.

Korran looks surprised.

Korran: Why me?

Padmè: Your knowledge in mechanical engineering and your lightsaber combat prowess leads me to believe you're formidable. I've seen you fight and I'm sure you know how the main Battle Droids work.

Korran: You're right. Ok. I won't let you down, Senator.

Obi-Wan looks at the holo-map with interest. He strokes his chin. Padmè goes up to him

Padmè: What do you think, Obi-Wan?

Obi-Wan: It should work. However the Ambassador will be very well guarded.

Qui Gon: He's right, Senator. There will be trouble getting into the throne room.

Padmè: As difficult as it may be, I do have a plan for that.

She turns to R2

Padmè: R2, pull up a map of the city please?

R2 beeps affirmatively and proceeds to change the map. Padmè then points to an area behind the Royal Palace.

Padmè: See right here? We can enter through that side of the waterfall like we did when we were here before. After we get to the edge of the main entrance, we create a diversion.

Anakin watches with interest as Jar Jar and Korran stand around too.

Qui Gon: There's a possibility with this diversion, many lives will be lost, Clone and Gungan alike.

Jar Jar chimes in and says something nervously but at the same time sincere.

Jar Jar: We're ready to do our part.

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