Chapter VIII: Duel Of The Fates.

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Chapter Starts.

There's nothing but silence. The 3 warriors stand at a stalemate. Qui Gon stays meditating while Maul paces back and forth. Obi-Wan stands far behind the 2, waiting for something to happen. He then senses something. He ignites his lightsaber and the laser gates all of a sudden open back up. Qui Gon's eyes shoot open, and he swings at Maul, turning on his saber quicker than possible. Maul and Qui Gon are back at it. Qui Gon backs Maul into a smelting pit room, which is nothing much more than a pit in the middle of the room. Obi-Wan runs past all the opening gates, but as he nears the end the gates start to close up again. He's trapped between the fight and the laser gate. He can do nothing but wait. Qui Gon and Maul battle around the smelting pit. Obi-Wan watches in frustration, as he can only sit there and wait. Qui Gon's form IV doesn't seem to be working for him. The Sith is way too agile. Qui Gon tries to parry but the sith proves too quick. Maul bashes his Lightsaber hilt against Qui Gon's chin. With Qui Gon dazed, Maul turns around and in one fell swoop, he drives his crimson blade right through Qui Gon's midsection. Qui Gon is visibly stunned. Obi-wan's eyes light up and shoot out of his head. He screams out to the Assassin.

Obi-Wan: NOOOO!!!

Maul yanks his saber out of Qui Gon's midsection and turns to look directly at Obi-Wan. Qui Gon lands on his knees and looks at Obi-Wan, before he keels over and goes unconscious. Obi-Wan stands there, angrily waiting for his laser gate to open up while Maul taunts him.

Cut back to the grasslands. From Jar Jar's perspective, everything is slow. His ears ring to the point where he can hear his own heartbeat. He sees an explosion near him, as it sends Clones and Gungans into the air, killing them. He breathes hard, while on his hands and knees with fear in his eyes. Then Korran comes up behind him. As he puts his hand on Jar Jar's shoulder, Jar Jar's ears suddenly stop ringing. He snaps out of his state. Korran starts screaming over the noise.

Korran: HEY!! Hey!!! Snap out of it man.

Jar Jar: This is way to much.

Korran: Hey. We don't think about that right now. Now look, I don't know you too well, Gungan. But I do know that I need your help right now. I have a plan.

Jar Jar: Plan?

Jar Jar chuckles.

Jar Jar: Against these things? Look around man. Even with the Clones, we're outnumbered. The Clone War started and ended on this day. And they're the victors.

Korran: I'll tell you what. They can win if this battle. But we'll win the next, and the one after that. But we won't just do it sitting on our asses. Come on!!

Jar Jar contemplates his options and realizes that Tarpals chose him to fight for a reason. He thinks of everything that happened to him up until that point. Suddenly, he gets up and launches his spear right at an incoming droid. He looks back at Korran.

Jar Jar: I don't think we're gonna win. But you're right about one thing. They won't get me without a fight.

Back at the palace chambers, Padmè and her crew continue to run, until droids surround them at a passage. They all look around trying to get an exit, but theres no way out. Behind the Droids, comes Ambassador Gunray. He snaps at them.

Gunray: Lower your weapons.... NOW!!

Our heroes are faced with no choice. They pit their guns on the ground and Padmè looks at Gunray angrily.

Padmè: You won't win, you bastard.

Gunray: Ah. But you see, Senator. I've captured you, I have the Queen, The Sith is dealing with your Jedi. You played well, Amidala. But in the end I had the Full Sabaac.

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