Chapter III: Rescuing The Queen and Naboo Escape.

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Scene starts.

Droids march up the stairs of the Royal palace. The Queen, who stays inside, is merely awaiting whatever comes to her. She looks put of her window, hopelessly. Droids then enter her chambers armed with blasters. They surround Nute Gunray himself.

Gunray: I apologize for this inconvenience, Your Highness. Count Dooku can be very...... persuasive.

Queen: I need no apology from you, Ambassador. You will pay for any lives lost in whatever may transpire.

Gunrat: I wouldn't be too sure, M'lady.

Cut to Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, Amidala, and Jar Jar sneaking through city alleys, carefully making their way to the royal palace. Amidala, being in her planet, leads the charge.

Qui Gon: Everyone stay quiet, and follow Senator Amidala. This us her home.

Senator Amidala: It's not much longer from here. That big done shaped building is the Royal Palace.

Obi-Wan: Let's not dilly along any further then. Onward, Senator.

They continue on the way towards the Royal Palace.

Cut back to the Queen, who is now being escorted by Battle Droids, along with her Royal Handmaidens. They walk down the stairs of the entrance to the Royal Palace.

Cut back to Amidala and the rest of our heroes. They walk along a passageway that over looks the stairs. They all wait for the droid escorts to continue walking with the Queen. They crouch behind the wall of the walkway. The Jedi prepare to jump down as Amidala readies herself with her pistol. Jar Jar stands ready to jump down with the rest. Qui Gon then nods and they all jump down. Obi-Wan and Qui Gon flip off of the passageway and into the middle of the group of droids surrounding the Queen and her Handmaiden. With the Queen being directly in between them, they use they're force abilities to lift the Droids off their feet and into the sky. Amidala jumps down along with Jar Jar and she blasts the remaining Droids surrounding Queen Jamila. Qui Gon then looks around to see if more Droids are coming or if anyone saw what happened. The coast appears to be clear. Qui Gon turns to the Queen

Qui Gon: We should leave the streets, Your Highness.

Amidala looks at Jar Jar.

Senator Amidala: Jar Jar, pick up some of their blasters.

Jar Jar: Trust me, Senator. It's for the best that I don't.

Jar Jar walks away hastily as Senator Amidala looks at him worryingly.

Cut back to Qui Gon with the Queen. Jamila leads them to a Hangar, where through the door they can see battle droids who have taken Naboo Pilots captive. Qui Gon starts talking to the Queen.

Qui Gon: Taking care of these droids won't be a problem. However there is the matter of your safety, Your Highness. You should accompany us on our voyage back to Coruscant.

Queen Jamila: Thank You, Master Jedi. However I must stay. My place is with my people.

Qui Gon: They will kill you if you stay.

Senator Amidala: They wouldn't dare. The Trade Federation may be slimey but they're also cowards. Besides they need the Queen alive as propaganda.

Qui Gon: I hate to discount your Judgment, Senator but my feelings tell me the Queen is in danger.

Queen Jamila: Trust me, I'll be fine Master Jedi. I must stay. And fight this occupation. The Senator is your main priority now. She is the voice of Naboo in the Senate after all.

The Queen starts talking directly to Padmè.

Queen Jamila: Padmè, get to Coruscant. If anything goes wrong here you'll be the representative for us. This is your home. I know you care.

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