Chapter VI: The Assassin and The Planet Coruscant

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Chapter Starts.

We start with Korran repairing the Nubian Ship. Padmè and Jar Jar sit in the cockpit while R2 starts going up the ramp. Qui Gon comes down the ramp to see how the repairs are going.

Qui Gon: Are we ready?

Korran: Nearly there, Qui Gon. Just gotta weld this metal back onto the parts. Can you check the hyperdrive for me though. See if it's operating good?

Qui Gon: Of course.

Qui Gon goes into the ship and goes towards the back panel, where the left engine is at. Qui Gon yells from where he's at.

Qui Gon: Yep. We're good.

Korran continues doing what he's doing

Cut to the middle of the Tatooine desert. Maul's ship is still stationed there. He sits outside on a speeder bike waiting for his droids to come back with something. One droid comes back and gives him the location of our heroes ship. Without a word, Maul sends the droid back to his ship, gets on his speeder, and zooms down a sand dune.

Cut back to the ship. In the distance, Qui Gon can see something zoom towards them. He then walks down the cockpit to get a better look. He thinks maybe it's a creature, but then he sees that it's a speeder bike speeding at the ship. Qui Gon takes his Lightsaber off his belt but he doesn't ignite it just yet. All of a sudden, Maul gets closer to Qui Gon, jumps off his speeder and Ignites one Bright, Crimson Red Lightsaber. He swings at Qui Gon. Qui Gon ignites his Lightsaber and blocks his attack. Korran sees what's going on and starts to repair the ship at a quicker speed. Qui Gon and Maul clash, with Maul's eyes intent on killing everyone around him.

Obi-Wan and Anakin are coming towards the ship in the distance. They see what's happening with Qui Gon and Maul. Obi-Wan then pulls Anakin aside behind a rock.

Obi-Wan: Ok. Anakin I need you to listen very closely.

Anakin nods his head. Obi-Wan then speaks again.

Obi-Wan: I'm going to go behind...... whatever that is over there. And while I'm distracting it with Qui Gon, you run into the ship and wait for us. Ok?

Anakin: You got it.

Obi-Wan then gets up and starts to walks steadily towards Maul while Anakin runs towards the ships ramp. Obi-Wan then pulls out his Lightsaber and ignites it. Obi-Wan goes for a back strike and Maul blocks it. Maul really shows his fighting prowess, as he's now taking on Two Jedi Knights. The most Korran can see is a flurry of Blue, Green, and Red in the sand. Korran tries to speed himself up. He's nearly there. Anakin goes into the cockpit, and tells everyone that Qui Gon and Obi-Wan are in trouble.

Anakin: Guys, look.

Padmè: What the hell is that?

Anakin: No clue but it is going at it with Obi-Wan and Qui Gon.

Korran then yells to Anakin to come out onto the ramp.

Korran: Kid!! Do something for me. I'm gonna get off of here right now. I want you to tell them in the cockpit to lift this thing off the ground. Have it in the air.

Anakin: Seriously?

Anakin looks confused.

Korran: Trust me. I got a plan. Go!!

Anakin nods his head and goes to tell Padmè and Jar Jar.

Anakin: Korran said lift the ship off the ground.

Padmè: What?

Jar Jar: Guys I think I know what he has in mind. Let's do this.

Anakin sits behind them and Jar Jar starts the ship up. As him and Padmè lift the ship up off the ground, Korran jumps of the engine, lands on his knee and fist, and ignites his Lightsaber, a bright Yellow lightsaber. Maul is taken off guard with the 3rd Jedi. He was told there were only 2. Nevertheless, he proves how versatile he is as he takes on 3 Jedi at the same time. Obi-Wan and Qui Gon fight in Tandem, each ones strike matching up with the others. Korran fights in an acrobatic way. Maul then Jabs at Qui Gon and hits his arm. Maul smiles at Qui Gon, and before Maul knew what was going on, Korran grabs Obi-Wan and Qui Gon and they all jump high in the air. Korran then talks to Obi-Wan.

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