Chapter IX: The Aftermath

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Chapter Start

We start on the Planet of Naboo. Qui Gon Jinn's funeral is being held, as a sign of Honor for his bravery in The Battle of Naboo. His body is being cremated. Surrounding his body are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmè Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Jar Jar Binks, Korran Vanto, Chancellor Palpatine and 100 Gungans soldiers along with the remaining Clone Troopers. Boss Nass, The Naboo Fleet, and Masters Windu, Yoda, and Mundi are attending out of respect as well. After a moment of silence, Qui Gon's body disappears into the force, and birds are let go into the sky. As Anakin and Obi-Wan walk out of the small hut, Anakin looks to Obi-Wan and asks a question.

Anakin: What's gonna happen to me now?

Obi-Wan: The council has given me permission to train you.

Anakin looks up hopefully.

Anakin: Really?

Obi-Wan: Yes. You will be a Jedi, Anakin.... I promise.

Cut to Master's Windu, Mundi, and Yoda. They speak about the future of the galaxy and the Jedi.

Master Mundi: What do you think had gone wrong?

Master Windu: I can't say for sure, but there is no doubt. The Sith have returned.

Yoda chimes in.

Yoda: Always two there are.... No more and no less. A master and his apprentice.

Master Windu: But which was destroyed, the master or the apprentice.

They all give each other a concerned look. Yoda looks out to see Obi-Wan and Anakin standing next to each other.

Cut to the Planet of Coruscant. It's nighttime, but the city is never asleep. Over in the Senate building, Gunray is put into an interrogation cell alone. He's guarded by 2 lone Clone Guards. He sits and waits for someone to come in, when all of a sudden the 2 guards begin to spasm and grab their necks. Gunray looks confused, then a hooded figure walks up from the shadow of the corridor leading to his interrogation cell. The cell gate opens, and the hooded figure walks through. He stands there for a moment, looking down on an intimidated Gunray. The two Guards finally stop writhing. As theor bodies lay motionless, the hooded figure takes his hood off, revealing the face of Count Dooku.

Count Dooku: Hello, Gunray.

Gunray gulps out of fear and responds.

Gunray: Dooku. What are you doing here?

Count Dooku: I'm here because if insurance.

Gunray: Dooku, please.....

Count Dooku: My master gave you one chance and you've failed.

Gunray gulps again but stays silent.

Count Dooku: Nothing more to say this time?

He stays silent.

Count Dooku: Right then.....

He walks around the table and behind Gunray. He puts his hand on Gunray's shoulder.

Count Dooku: Our business is concluded.

Immediately, a beam of crimson red light shoots up from out of Gunray's chest. Gunray's face becomes one of shock. Suddenly, his face retreats back to a normal state as the light in his eyes diminishes. Count Dooku yanks his Lightsaber out of Gunray's chest and shuts it off. He walks in front of him and stares at his lifeless body.

Count Dooku: Goodbye, Gunray.

He walks out of the room and leaves the facility.

Cut back to the Naboo Royal Palace, where the Gungans celebrate the liberation of their planet along with the Humans. A parade is being held through the streets of Naboo. Children cheer and throw flowers in the air as Gungan Soldiers and Clone Troopers march through the streets triumphantly. On the stairs of the Royal Palace, overlooking the soldiers march, are Queen Jamila and Boss Nass. Along with them are Senator Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Korran Vanto, Jar Jar Binks, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and The Jedi Council Members Masters Windu, Yoda, and Mundi. R2 stands with Anakin as well. The Soldeirs stop in their tracks as the Queen walks up to Boss Nass and they shake hands. Jar Jar walks up to Boss Nass and hands him an orb on a pillow with a cloth over it. Boss Nass takes it and hands it to Queen Jamila as a sign of peace between their communities. Queen Jamila picks it up and holds it high above her head. Boss Nass screams out to all the citizens of Naboo.

Boss Nass: Peace!!!

Jar Jar: Waaah hooooooo!!!

Everyone cheers. Padmè looks back at Anakin. He smiles and winks at her. She smiles back and looks away. Obi-Wan smiles slightly ahead and looks ahead st everything in front of him.

The End.

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