A beautiful place (part 3)

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The tiger was almost unconscious. So I lifted her and placed her atop Max and I climbed at the back. I turned and gestured Bella to follow. She seemed to understand because she came and stood beside Max. When we were ready to depart from that forest the tiger was at its feet. It growled and ran towards us. Thank God Max had kicked it a little away. I told Max to run as fast as he could. He ran like a lightning. But the tiger was also fast. It followed us at a distance of 3 meters. Bella also kept up with Max. Eva lay on my chest. The only happy thing was I could see the sunlight at a distance of ten meters. I urged Max. He whined like saying ‘I am at my top speed.’ The tiger closed in. the entrance to the forest was closer (a five meters away). At the last moment the tiger jumped. ‘We would never make it’ my mind screamed at me. At the last moment Max and Bella seemed to have a plan. They both raised their feet off the ground and kicked the tiger. The timing was perfect and the force was enough to send the tiger into the forest. I had to grab Eva to hold her on board. Then we went out of the forest into the open area. Actually now we had planned to go for racing but Eva was not in a condition for racing. Then we rode for while and then we stopped so that our horses could take rest for a while. I patted Max and said
“Good kick max. Where did you learn that?” I was in shock. Everything had happened so fast. In a half day I had fought two tigers and saved Eva from death. I still didn’t know if Eva was alive. She was lying like a dead person. Her breathing was slow and her body was becoming colder every moment. I had to take her to the infirmary. They could heal her. The sky was already orange. I guessed the time to be 6.00 pm. I didn’t know how I could take Eva to the infirmary. By this time the infirmary would be filled with freshly wounded soldiers. But we rode on. At last we reached the infirmary. I got down from Max and carried Eva into the infirmary. It was fully crowded as I had thought. There were about 150-200 beds and all were full. When I was searching for a free bed someone tapped on my shoulder and said
“Hey”. I jumped and turned to see who it was. It was George, the person who I had met by the river and thought as Nielson. When George saw Eva he panicked and asked
“Wh-What happened?”
“Long story. Help me find a free bed for her.”
“Yeah, come one. There’s a free bed over there.” We went through many beds that were occupied. I saw many soldiers without a hand or a leg. I even saw some with a bandaged head. While I was in my century I had always liked war and thought how it would while fighting in a war. Now I got the answer and I started to hate the war. Day after tomorrow I may also be lying in one of these beds like these soldiers.  I didn’t like the scene. Actually I don’t like a hospital at all. The scene was nauseating but I controlled my mind. I had to save Eva. Another thought was running simultaneously in my head. The test that the king had told was within hours. Finally we found a bed and I placed Eva in that bed. George examined her. He placed his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes like he was reading her mind.
“Is she alive?”
“She is tired, exhausted, scared of something and she is at the brink of death. But yes she is alive. I want you to tell me what made like this while I heal your cuts.” I explained the whole story of the tigers. George listened as he worked. He applied some medicine on my cuts and chanted something. The cuts closed automatically. While I finished the story he also finished healing me.
“Can you heal her?”
“Yes I can. But it will take a few hours, maximum four. Now you have to go and practice for a while. You have your test in few hours, right?” but I didn’t want to go. My mind was already in a panicked state and it was not ready to take in more adventure. But I had to go or the king will think me as a coward and he would think that Eva did not train me.
“Okay, I’ll go. But I want her back. Heal her as much as you can. I will not let her die in the hands of a stupid tiger.”
“I promise you. Before your test is over Eva will be fully healed. Concentrate on your test. Don’t be dead before Eva is fully healed. ” I nodded my head and went out of the infirmary. I took Max and Bella to their stables, left them there and took both our weapons and went to the river to wash them. I washed the blood of my sword. At that time I thought about the tiger I had killed. Tears filled my eyes. ‘Hey control your tears, stupid.’ On hearing that voice I thought somebody was behind me and turned and I realized that it was the voice of my own mind. ‘If you worry for a tiger, then how will you face your opponents in the war. Don’t cry like a kid. You have lot more soldiers to kill tomorrow.’ It said. I controlled my tears and washed my sword and my face. I went to my tent and placed Eva’s weapons near her cot and went to the training ground to practice. It was already dark outside. I had at least an hour to practice, I guessed. I didn’t know to how many soldier the king would ask me to fight. But I focused on my techniques. I recalled each and every word that Eva had told me during the training. I kept on reciting the motive, Be Fast, Be Stiff, Do Not Lower The Guard and always be alert, again and again with every strike. I created many combinations on my own. As I was practicing I heard a deep sound like a drum that the schools use for their march pasts. I focused in the direction of the sound.

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