chapter eleven

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stoned out dude pov: i was just vibin smokin my weed, and i see a dragon. hes chasing me. oh dear. so then i yeet through the window and my idol is there, making out with this bish who probably models bc ooh she fine. so then i tell them about the dragon and they ignore me. disrespectful. i start singing wap by cardi b but the kids bop version. "PUT THEM ROLLS IN MY MOUTH, PUT THEM ROLLS IN MY MOUTH, I SAID YOU KNOW I LIKE TO EAT, ELEVEN DAYS A WEEK, WINGS AND PIZZA, aw idk the rest" ahahahaha im SOOO high right now. i start spinning. weeeeeeeee. this is fun. "okay bye" i jump out of the window and i convieniently land in a huge tub of cocaine. "AWWWWW YAHHHHHHHH" im so stoned right now. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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