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Ah, yes, this is true art above me ╭(╯ε╰)╮

Short chapter?

Also, me reading all the free time events to write all the characters better and I'm to lazy to play it for myself-? Nooooo....


"Hajime, quit moping around."

"Huh?" He said, looking up, only to be met with a pissed Fuyuhiko.

"Man up Hajime, moping around will bring you nowhere." He said with his arms crossed.

"You're the one talking, I bet that you, as the Ultimate Yakuza never cried once in your life." He said grumpy.

The blonde sighed.

"Hajime, I do cry." He admitted.


"But the last time I cried was when I was in second grade." He said, looking upwards, not meeting Hajime's curious eyes, "As the rightful successor of the Kuzuryu Clan, I don't get overwhelmed very easily."

"I-I see... Good for you." He said, not knowing what else to say.

"Good for me...? Don't treat me like a child." He said with a pissed undertone, "But it's very normal to cry."

"Then why do I need to "Man up"?" He asked, getting a bit pissed himself.

"Crying is very human, but it doesn't help you." Fuyuhiko explained.

"..." He didn't know what to answer.

Kuzuryu sighed once again.

"Come with me, I know what can cheer you up." He said, looking into Hajime's eyes.



As he followed Fuyuhiko, he began to wonder what could cheer him up, ignoring his hunger for a moment.

The only thing he wanted, was to return to how everything was, before it all went downhill.

He just wanted to be in Nagito's arms again.

"Close your eyes." Fuyuhiko suddenly demanded.

Trusting Kuzuryu, he took one last glimpse at where they were right now, the playground, and closed his eyes, suddenly the only thing he saw being black, the complete opposite of the neon pink colour he saw just moments ago.

"Don't be alarmed." He said, while slowly spinning Hajime's body, causing him to lose his sense of direction.

As Fuyuhiko slowly pushed his body to the right, or was it left? He stopped, seemingly arriving to the place he wanted to be.

"Can open my eyes?" Hinata asked.

"No, wait a few more minutes." He heard Fuyuhiko answering, although it sounded like he was far away.

He waited, hearing a bit of rustling close to him.

"You can open your eyes." Fuyuhiko said.

As he let his eyes adapt to the bright colour around him, he noticed a few silhouettes, slowly getting sharper.

"Kazuichi? Gundham?"

"Hey Hajime! Fuyuhiko told us that you were sad, so we organised something that will make you happy again!"

"Didn't you think I was the traitor?" He asked.

"I've heard Miss Sonia say that she trusted you, so I had to believe her! And, after thinking for a while, I knew that the chances of you being the traitor would be pretty low, as you are a Reserve Course Student and you don't seem like that sorta guy. I'm sorry I've ever doubted you." He apologised.

Fruity Madness {Komahina} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now