Chapter 10: "I believe."

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Normally, after such a battle, soldiers would be weeping and bawling at the pain of a lost loved one, or the pain of the trauma; especially if you were just experiencing it for the first time; but not you.

Of course you wrecked with pain inside... but your dam of tears had already been broken and lost all its water... now they were just left to stare at the roof.

You watched the roof in utter pain, your head hanging backwards over the chair-head, that chair being one of the desk chairs in the infirmary, as you thought about the death of all the new recruits... all brought to their deaths except for you and the boy in the bed in front of you.

Flashes of death and destruction flew through your mind... your throat tensing and getting ready to release all your stomach fluids into the air...



The boy with the orange hair screeched in pain while you whimpered on the ground next to him.

His leg was trapped under his horse, broken and excruciatingly painful.

This was the time after your protection squad 3 and 4 had been slaughtered by the beasts... and the rest of the recruits had fled.

Now you were left there, stuck with a recruit with his broken leg, and the giants above you with drooling jaws.

You laid down on the ground with the boy and stared at the beasts with tears in both of your eyes.

"W-why...why would this happen to me? ...all I've ever done was do good to others. I reported only the truth, even if my papers were never published because of our corrupt government. I did all I could...and what do I get??"

You looked to the side at the boy with sympathy.

"I get tricked, forced into the military...and eaten alive."




You kept quiet, calmly contemplating on what to do... until God gave you your answer.

'He's a news reporter interested in writing the truth, right? ... he could be a wonderful instrument for God's glory and truly... saving humanity.'

You thought with a smile and turned on your side to look at him.

"Tell me... what would you give to get out of this."

"SNIFF...there's nothing I can give..."



"What if I told you, you were wrong?"

He looked at you, eyes puffy and nose all red and snotty.

"You can give me your hands," you gently grabbed his hands.

"And you can give me your belief and trust... or rather...give God your belief and trust."


You felt the heat of the Titans jaws get closer.

"Only He can help us now."




Though you knew he was just agreeing to do this because it was just something in the moment, you slowly bowed your heads and held hands... and began to beg the Lord for help.

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