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'Hm? Oh it's morning. Ok then.'
I always wake up like this in the morning.
Same routine, same outfit..not like i have any others.
Same thoughts. I usually keep my mind blank for two reasons:
1-my usual thoughts are not the kindest to me
2-its easier to act with a clear mind.
Oh. Did i forget? Hm yeah i did haha! How careless of me. My name is kokichi Ouma the Ultimate Supreme Leader. I'm 16 years old and a first year in Hopes Peak Academy.
Now that inruductions are out of the way let me tell you a bit about my life and what has led up to this moment.
I have always been a bright kid. That's what teachers told me at least. I always understood things quicker than other students and so learning became easy for me. Thats about the only easy part 0f my life though.
I take care of myself. I have since i was 5
I dont have any friends at school. More like friendly faces that chat with me sometimes.
The reason I'm alone all the time is because of my lies.
I act a certain way to conceal the emptiness i usually portray and feel and because of my obnoxious and annoying persona people despise me.
I get bullied a lot and i spend lunch alone.
I dont even care anymore. I dont feel it. I haven't felt much in a while to be honest, exept anger and disgust but those are always directed towards myself so it does no harm.
I am walking to school today. My parents dont drive me and i walk with no one so I'm alone as per usual.
Walking to school one of the most relaxing times i have during my long days. I get ti listen to cavetown and no one cares if i have a blank stare on my face. Even if people ask if I'm ok a simple nod makes their fake worry disappear. So as i said i was walking alone to school.
It was cold outside today but i couldn't feel it too much. I was wearing what i always do: run down black jeans with a purple hoodie and my checkered bandana. The bandana is a sort of a trade mark thing for my organisation. I love them i really do so i wear this every day. They're the only family i have anyway so i have to take care of them even if they deserve better.

Wow would you look at that. I arrived at the front gate of hopes peak. And first thing in the morning right on que comes kaito. My main Issue in the morning. Today i really dont feel like acting its not like anyone will notice anyway so as he approached me i kept my dead broke glare with no expression what so ever "hey short stuff!" Kaito is more of an emotional bully than a Physical one, of course if i push the right buttons he won't hesitate to throw some punches here and there but he usually just chips away at my mental state. It wasn't stable to begin with. "Hm oh hello momota-kun" i replied sounding uninterested "hm? What happened to your snarky comments that make you fun to mess with?" He replied in a curious daze "oh sorry I'm not really up to acting today I'm sorry I'm not as fun as usual" i didn't feel the need to lie just now. He dosent care anyway "well i guess but if your acting all uninterested I'm just gonna leave your too much of a boring poice of trash today" he pushed my shoulder slightly but aggressively, just enough to tilt me a little and walked off "ok bye" i waved at him and continued walking to my favourite spot in campus. The cherry trees at the courtyard in front of the school. In the mornings and lunch people spend their time in the main court yard, leaving this one mostly empty and quiet. I sat at the closet tree to the main gate and listen to music once again. Maybe ill draw... yeah that sounds nice.

Word count: 707 :0

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