"Oh my god! Mr. ouma! What happened" the teacher asked in concern as we walked into the room. Kokichi looked at me pleadingly and i got the message 'dont tell her about kaito' "u-um kokichi tripped while running to school" i lied "Oh! You poor thing! Can you not walk?" She asked kokichi "Not without shumai" he replied with a mischievous tone "hm.. well how about i arrange you and Mr.saihara have the same schedule today?" She oferred, kokichi's eyes lit up and a wide smile spread across his face "mhm! Mhm! Mhm! Mhm!" He hummed happily the teacher looked over to me and I gave an approving smile.
|| kokichi's POV ||
Classes went by fast with my best friend with me, of course people still shouted insults at me through the hall and threw stuff at me in class as usual but with Shuichi there i was able to ignore it. I was just glad to have someone who dosent hate me around! ...... at least not yet he dosent.
Anyway it was now lunch time and Shuichi's friends asked him to lunch. "Cmon Shuichi we havent had lunch together since Tuesday!" Said maki slightly annoyed "i dont want to be around kaede" he responded firmly "and besides i cant leave kokichi alone" he looked at me, during this whole conversation i was standing behind Shuichi and looking at the floor. These people hate me, all of them. "Shuichi he's not a baby. And your not dating so cmon" maki glared at me of course. She hates me. Shuichi turned to me and looked down "kokichi is it ok if i go?" He gave me a loving smile. I dont want to crush his friendships, he cant be as lonely as me and i know he isnt ok either so he needs this "i-its ok shuichi you go ill eat in the court yard" i gave him a smile and he walked off, all of them giving me a glare. I waved and the smile wiped right off my face.
"Hey Shithead!" Meet some of my problems. Problem #1 and problem #2 .
I looked to who was calling me but seconds later i was on the floor holding my stomach as the black haired male kicked me repeatedly.
The other individual; a blonde girl, stood behind shouting slurs and insults at me.
As usual i stared at the floor with a blank stare until.
The black haired male kicked my jaw and i slowly drifted into an unconscious state."O.....a Ou...a Oum....a Ouma!" I was awoken by a white haired boy. He had blue eyes and was poking my cheek "ah thank god your awake!" He smiled as i sat up holding my stomach "hm oh you're Kibbo right" i looked at the boy with no expression "yes! Pleased to make your acquaintance" he put out his hand and i shakingly took it and he pulled me up "what happened ouma-kun?" He asked.
Well were to start
I was:
-Kicked way too many time to count in the stomach
-punched in the face repeatedly
-kicked in the jaw
-called a bunch of slur and insults
-gotten my hair pulled
-bashed into a locker
"I fell"
He looked at me for a second and sighed "i dont believe that but if you dont want to tell me its fine, ill take you to the infirmary. I nodded and we walked.After i was bandaged up by a very nervous nurse kibbo waved goodbye and i stayed there as the nurse requested. Her name was Mikan? Yeah i should remember that I'm gonna be here a lot.
Word count:613

But.... I need you
Romance⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ -child neglect -bullying -homophobia -dark thoughts -anxiety -ED -abuse -intrusive thoughts? -swearing(canon language) {non-despair AU} (Kinda pregame Oumax in game Shuichi. He alternates between depressed,shy and in game person...