"You're just making yourself feel better with worthless lies, he'd be better of without you anyway."
'N-no i, i need to get better for him!.... just go away!"
"Kaito what the hell are you doing?!"i heard a voice yell.
"W-what are you...."
|| Shuichi's POV ||
Kokichi was laying on the ground with kaitos foot on top of his chest. Kokichi had a blank stare and kaito was terrified "s-sidekick! I um i was just-" i ran towards them and pushed kaitos foot out the way helping kokichi up on his feet and picking up his scattered stuff "bye momota" i pushed him out the way and grabbed kokichi's hand while taking him to the nurses office.
He said nothing the entire time.
He sat on top of one of the beds in the nurses office while i looked for bandages and something to clean the wounds. "Kokichi what happene-" "your girlfriend asked me some this morning" i sighed 'he dosent wanna talk about it' "ex-girlfriend. What did she say?" I walked over to him and examined him, his hoodie was torn at the sleeves where he tried to land when he got pushed over (i assume) his fingers had cuts and one was probably sprained or broken so i bandaged it with another finger for support. "She asked me if you talked about her" he looked at his hand while i held it and bandaged it "hm. What did you say?" "I told her what you told me. Looks like she regrets dumping a super hot detective already!" He giggled and winked at me.
My face heat up instantly
"G-geez kokichi d-dont go saying things like t-that!" I jumped slightly letting go of his hand "nishishishi~" he giggled and continued to sit still as i tend to his wounds. Apart from the hands (wich had many scratches and cuts apart from the sprained finger) he had lots of scratches on his face and his ankle was bent strangely by the position he was pushed into.
So he had a limp "thank you shumai~" he carefully hugged me, I hugged him back and helped him get up from the bed.We walked out of the infirmary and i held kokichi by the shoulders since his ankle was twisted.
On the way to homeroom we bumped into the one and only ultimate pianist. "Morning shuichi!.....ouma" she flashed me a warm smile and kokichi a bored look. Kokichi sighed and let us talk "good morning Akamatsu. Need something?" I asked coldly, she frowned "Cmon shuichi! Dont be like that!" I sighed still holding on to kokichi "like what?" "All cold and uninterested! I'm sorry i broke up with you! I was angry and didnt think things through.....i really really like you and.." i groaned quietly and kokichi giggled to himself making me smile "Akamatsu. You litterally broke up with me yesterday. You're really coming back so quickly?!" I asked sarcastically. She puffed her cheeks and huffed "fine fine. You stay with that rat of yours but when you want me ill be at your call~" she winked and i rolled my eyes.After kaede walked away i sighed loudly making kokichi laugh "woah! You really are irresistible after all shumai!" He gave me a wink and booped my nose with the hand that wasnt draped over my shoulder, i chuckled red faced and helped him walk to homeroom.
"Oh my god! Mr. ouma! What happened" the teacher asked in concern as we walked into the room. Kokichi looked at me pleadingly and i got the message 'dont tell her about kaito' "u-um kokichi tripped while running to school" i lied "Oh! You poor thing! Can you not walk?" She asked kokichi "Not without shumai" he replied with a mischievous tone "hm.. well how about i arrange you and Mr.saihara have the same schedule today?" She oferred, kokichi's eyes lit up and a wide smile spread across his face "mhm! Mhm! Mhm! Mhm!" He hummed happily the teacher looked over to me and I gave an approving smile.
Word count:688

But.... I need you
Romance⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ -child neglect -bullying -homophobia -dark thoughts -anxiety -ED -abuse -intrusive thoughts? -swearing(canon language) {non-despair AU} (Kinda pregame Oumax in game Shuichi. He alternates between depressed,shy and in game person...