🖤Skiddles lane💜

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I washed my face and walked back out. Shuichi was sitting under the cover of my bed and smiled awkwardly at me. I giggled and threw myself on top after shutting off the lights "cmon shumai we have school tomorrow !" I threw a pillow at him and layed on mine looking at him on the bed. "Thanks again kokichi" he smiled i smiled back... my face heat up "Yup yup! Anything for my beloved best friend!" I giggled, my eyes feeling heavy "goodnight kokichi" "goodnight shumai......" i passed out with a smile on my face.
For once.

|| Shuichi's POV ||
It was morning now and i had to get up early to pick up clothes from home so i decided to wake kokichi up and tell him.

I was facing the wall but kokichi was facing me, his knees where up slightly and he had one hand on the mattres and one on his pillow next to his head. His hair was flat unlike everyday. It looked smooth and soft. His hair draped over his face but kept flowing forward with his breath.

He looked so peice full. Pain free, happy.
He always looks burdened and broken. I notice that behind his smiles. I'm glad he gets a calm moment before the chaos of life.

I stoped staring and reluctantly started shaking him "hey...kokichi? Wake up" i spoke up gently. His eyes fluttered open "hm?" He rubbed his eyes, 'hm, cute' i giggled 'w h a t. No. Staph! Shuichi!" I sighed and smiled "i need to go home now, its still early get some rest" i lightly patted his head and he giggled softly before slowly closing his eyes "*yawn* ok bye bye shumai~" he drifted of to sleep again and i got out of his bed and out the front door.

While walking home i kept thinking about kokichi.
Kokichi. And how calm i feel around him. Kokichi and how happy i am with him. Kokichi and how sweet he is. Kokichi and how much i want to protect him.
kokichi and his piece full and cute-
What the hell!
I'm straight! Yeah s t r a i g h t
I'm heterosexual. Girls! Thats it. No more to it!
I like girls and girls only.
my car is staying on the easy straight lane! Yeah

No rainbow skiddles road! No! Nope!
That side has homophobia! Stress! coming out! Besides i dont like boys! I was with kaede.. yeah!
Ive never liked any boys and I'm not about to start! Kokichi is just...a really good friend! And he so happens to be cute!.

. . .

Damn it.

Word count: 443

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