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━━☆⌒*. ily !

"MILES!" Y/N EXCLAIMED, running to approach the curly-headed boy who sat peacefully under a tree at the garden

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"MILES!" Y/N EXCLAIMED, running to approach the curly-headed boy who sat peacefully under a tree at the garden. 

he chuckled at y/n's sudden enthusiasm before she sat down next to him, laying her head directly in his lap.

"happy to see me or something?" he asked playfully. quickly, y/n placed her hands on both sides of his already flushed cheeks before pulling him in for a quick peck. "why wouldn't i be?"

"i don't know," he shrugged. "maybe i'm getting boring for you." 

the affectionate smiled that was once plastered among y/n's face rapidly transitioned to a frown. "why would you say that? you can never bore me miles, you're miles!"

miles felt a wave of guilt rush over him, instantly regretting letting his own insecurities get y/n upset. lowly he mumbled 'sorry' before gazing ahead at the brown leaves falling off its trees. it was now reaching the end of autumn, fairly recognizable since most trees were leaf-less and the air was wet and crisp as if the clouds were on the verge of letting rain fall onto the earth.

the garden was now mostly filled with pansies and winter jasmines, something only the two lovebirds were able to see and admire. as y/n looked at the nature laid ahead, miles only gazed at his girlfriend; the girl he loved more than himself.

"bubba it's getting cold, don't you think?" y/n said quietly as miles stroked her hair. 

"yeah, i guess," he shrugged. 

"well," y/n said before sitting up. "do you wanna come to my room? i-i mean, like i bought a portable heater and if-"

"i'd love to," miles cut her off. she smiled in return before getting up, miles doing the same. hand in hand, the two walked to y/n's dorm, a room in which they never were alone in before.

⌒ ☆

"soooo...this is my room," y/n narrated as miles awkwardly followed behind her. 

"nice room," he replied nicely, nodding his head in approval as he looked around. she had painted the walls a light shade of lavender while her favorite vinyls were posted neatly under the led lights that bordered the edges of the walls. 

"yeah uhm, you can sit on my bed and i'll make us hot cocoa," y/n offered, earning a quick yes from miles. he stiffly laid on the back of her bed before feeling a sharp pain his back. he groaned loudly at the sudden ache which earned a concerned yelp from y/n.

"miles are you okay?" she asked from across the room, turning from the cups she was filling up with hot chocolate.

removing a remote from behind him, miles chuckled at his foolishness. "yeah, i just accidentally laid on your remote."

"sorry i didn't clean up prior," y/n said lowly out of embarrassment. she turned around to finish making the hot chocolate, adding an adequate amount of whipped cream and marshmallows to the hot liquid which sat in two mugs.

carefully, y/n held the two hot mugs in her hands, slowly approaching miles who laid on her bed, flipping through the channels on her tv. miles smiled at the aroma of the beverage, putting the remote down to retrieve the mug from y/n.

sitting at the edge of her bed, miles and y/n sipped their hot drinks in comfortable silence; the warmth of the liquid soothing the two as it warmed them up inside. y/n plugged in her heater as promised before chugging down the last of her hot cocoa. 

"you're done?" miles asked in shock, amazed at how y/n was able to quickly devour her drink. 

"yeah, you aren't?" she replied jokingly. miles smirked before gulping down the last of the beverage. "i am now."

she laughed and shook her head at miles' silliness. "whatever, give me your cup so i can place it in the sink." 

miles stuck out his mug for y/n to retrieve, yet when she tried to take it from him he wouldn't let go. the engaged in a small game of tug-a-war before miles finally decided to let go. 

"you're awfully annoying miles," y/n joked before walking across the room to throw the mugs in the sink. she jogged back to the bed, rapidly wanting to get under the overs since it was rather chilly. she pushed miles to lay down before dropping herself on the bed, pulling the sheets over their heads in doing so. 

faint light shone through the blankets, allowing the two to still see one another to their full extent. y/n gazed at miles, admiring everything about the boy. from his wayward hair, to the freckles perfectly planted upon his defining cheekbones, she loved it all. unknowingly, she was leaning into his space, causing an overwhelming feeling of butterfly flutters to appear in miles' stomach.

miles too, leaned in before the soft touch of y/n's lips could be felt on his. y/n's smile could be felt at the touch of miles' lips on hers as she quickly placed one hand behind his neck while the other softly laid on his chest. the two pulled back from the sudden act of affection, causing both of them to laugh at themselves.

"god, hearing your laugh is literally music to my ears y/n," miles chuckled.

"really?" she asked in shock.

"yeah really!" he defended. y/n only shook her head lowly, giggling at his statement. the two stayed in silence, only the faint sound of the heater could be heard from under the blankets. miles grew nervous as he thought about what he was going to say, or rather, what he was going to confess.

"y/n, i have something to tell you," he said nervously. y/n's eyes shot up to look at him, in fear of what he might say. 

"yes miles?"

"i-i love you," he said lowly as a smile crept up on y/n's now blushing face.

"i love you too miles."

i hate this chapter sm, 
i'm such a bad writer but
hey! it was 1000 words at

( √ ) 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, miles fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now