Childhood to now.

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Love grows fiercely in our minds, telling us to go for it, when, we should not. We know what pain follows with it, but our minds choose to ignore that warning. We chase after it anyway with no care at what expense comes next. In the end, we get destroyed into another disaster from what we started. That pain alone, can make us do things we might regret later in the future, or worse, end up being fatal.


We find that we end up telling ourselves, that it is okay to let our own hearts fall because we know that we will be met at the bottom with the same in return. We never realize the danger we put our hearts in for heartbreak after letting ourselves go that far down. After saying all that, it brings us to the beginning of this story, where one girl becomes devastated from a lifetime of events that portrays the act of the cold nature we carry in our hearts.



(#) Delta felt as if the days seems to have gone by way to fast for her liking. She had been sitting under that bridge for some time now, thinking about life events occurring from when she was a child all the way until now, where she is currently at in her situation. She had been trying not think about it, but it seems that everything around her, reminds her of every second of every part of life, that has damaged her in way that can not be fixed. Not even by the Moon Goddess herself.


Most children grow up in a home, where the parents are loving and caring, and would do anything for their children. Not Delta, the home she grew up in, she never wanted or attempted to go back too. Life inside her home during her childhood was very dark and scary, and sometimes she used to think that she would not make it. She did, however, but that is beside the point. Her mother was not as bad as the father, but she still was not very nurturing. Her father was the mean one. His idea of spanking was balled up fists, and soccer ball kicks. It never mattered where they landed, they just landed. Bruises and broken bones where a common thing for her, that she could never seem to escape from. Both her parents had always reminded her that she was a mistake, and that they never wanted her or any kids at all. She was sure they attempted to kill her "accidentally" a few times but failed each time.


As she got a little bit older, she eventually finally made one friend. She did not make very many friends, because she had always been the shy one, and always tried to avoid everyone because of the things that her father did. She had always been worried about either someone finding out, or her just getting picked on for being different from the other kids. The second option happened instead of the first. She had been the schools main gossip topic. Half the time she did not know what they would be saying, unless someone said it directly to her, which is the other half of the time.  The one friend that she did make, had been a new student, and did not know her like the rest did, not that they knew her either. His name was Carlos Whitmore. Of course, everyone liked him because of his looks, but he never would pay any attention to any of them, he had always focused his attention on her. He even refused to make new friends, which was odd if you ever asked her opinion on it.


Most of the time, the two were inseparable. Where you found one, you found the other. Of course, they never went to her house, they were always at his. His parents had always taken a liking to her and treated her as if she were one of their own as well. They even bought her quite a few new cloths one time. Of course, she had to sneak them into her house without her parents seeing, or she would not have been able to keep them. They would have told her that she is not worth the cloths, and then they would have burned them right in front of her. Parties, also, seemed to be there favorite thing to do. Especially on birthdays, including her own.

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