- 01

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"fuck that was hot" i immediately mumbled once the clip ended. i turned my head to look at my friends, taehyung and jimin. both were trying to catch their breathe as well. before taehyung finally turned towards me, "kook! That was one of the best porn i've watched" 

I smirked, highly of myself. "I know right?" jimin who was there standing with us, immediately nodded with a groan. "i'm hard now, i've a boner now" he joked as we both laughed a little. 

taehyung sighed before rubbing his hands together, looking around. "Now i just need a girl to bring this fantasy into reality" jimin and i also looked around. 

"what about mina?" taehyung asked, as jimin and i immediately shook our head. "she has commitment issues bruh" taehyung sighed. "okay so then…what about yuna?" 

we again shook our head. "uhm hyo?" he asked again before i finally looked at him, "really? she would rather break your back than you breaking hers" Jimin immediately laughed at this before taehyung slapped a little behind his head. 

"okay then what about y/n?" taehyung immediately said before looking at me. and suddenly the air around us grew thick. i chuckled before looking at him. "y/n? my neighbor?" 

and there was a nod with a smirk on his lips. i turned towards jimin who also had a small playful smirk before he slapped taehyung softly, "oh come on tae, don't try to flirt with your homies girl" i chuckled. 

taehyung hummed, "yeah yeah, our jungkook's girlfriend" he said. i sighed before turning my head towards a particular direction, and that was my luck. 

there she was coming. tugged in a pair of blue jeans, a black top with a purple sweater unbuttoned. her hairs tugged in a bun as she walked while looking in the book she had in her hands. 

just walking straight, while her head stuck in the book. and there I chuckled, before standing in the middle. I watched her coming close and more close until she finally slashed in my chest, as my arms immediately wrapped around her. 

she let out a small scream before looking up, immediately calming down. "oh kook" 

I smiled widely, as I greeted back, "hey y/n". she smiled back in response before i finally let go of her frame. "what are you doing here? don't you have any classes-" 

i cut her off immediately, well because of a reason of course. if she get to know that i was just hanging out while my class was taking place, she will be beyond angry. 

"oh ah.. teacher let me out since i wasn't feeling well" she gasped a little before her small hand immediately went to my forehead. "you don't have any fever, then-" 

"kook!" i turned my head towards my friends with a small groan, "what?" they smiled, "we are going to cafeteria, you coming?" i turned towards y/n, "where are you going?" she turned her attention towards me before answering, "oh library, need to take notes on some things" 

i nodded, "You guys go, i'll see you both tomorrow" they nodded before drifting away. i looked towards y/n, as she smiled, "joining me?" I nodded before taking her hand, turning to go towards the library. 

well here it is. i'm jungkook, jeon jeongguk. a second year student in university, pursuing arts. my most important fact is that i'm an all horny person as my hormones took place so fast. and her, y/n. my neighbor, i met her in the last year of my high school when they shifted here. and there we grew our friendship while talking from the window facing each other's room. and then college together. 

She's caring, kind, and smart. direct opposite of what i am. she's smart, i'm average. she's kind, i'm selfish. she's caring, and im careless. i know about my sexual fantasies while she, i believe she doesn't even know about hers. 

oh i mean it's the twenty first century and she is a gen-z. how come she doesn't know about these things? 

"so are you sure you aren't gonna get bored?" she asked, calling me out of my thoughts as i shrugged my shoulders. "i won't, trust me" 

and there was it, exactly half an hour later. i was sitting on one of the chair in library while my head stayed on the table. eyes dropping in bored. as i just keep looking at her. 

while she wrote her notes in a notebook. this was boring but not that much. i was enjoying her subtle glances that she was giving. her hand that was caressing my hairs from time to time to not get me bored. 

oh she was so my type. 

but this situation was getting more bored. 

"y/n" she hummed. i just looked at her, "do you know your kinks?" she looked at me confused. "what's that?" she asked. i smiled, "what you like in bed?" her eyes widen before her cheeks took the tint. "what do you mean?" 

"i said your kinks y/n" 

she just stared at me like i was a mouse. before she turned her head towards the book once again, "i don't know, you know I'm not into these" 

i sighed, "you are just boring" she immediately turned her head towards me, a fear in her eyes. "Am i?" 

i immediately shook my head, "i mean nah, i like you i do, but you have a really lack of sex knowledge…you know that makes you a boring person" 

she just stared as i continued, "you know compatibility should match in every phase. personality, looks as well as sexual compatibility, and you lack the last one" 

she opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it, i just shook my head before sitting straight, "but you don't worry, you have me, i'll teach you those things!" 

"L-like sex education?" 

i nodded with a wide smile, "but that's up to you, just decide if you want that or not, i'll be there always" with that, i pushed my head on the desk once again. ready to take a ride around the dreamland. 

while she stayed frozen there, blinking and just thinking. 

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