- 06

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I looked at him with full red cheeks as he just Chuckled. "Are you nervous?" He asked. I sighed as mumbled, "insecurities" he bit onto his lips as said, "you are beautiful..... don't worry"

I hummed as looked into his eyes before gulping deep. Finally.... throwing my hands to the sides as he just stared at me up and down. "I think...you are feeling really nervous....how about we take this tomorrow?" He asked as i finally let out a relief sigh.

"Yeah....well...yeah..." I said as smiled at him. He smiled back as went to grab my t-shirt as handed it to me. I took it nicely as once again wears it. "I should get going now..." I said as he nodded.

Grabbing my bagpack as i looked at him and lightly waved a goodbye. He waved back as i smiled. Taking my leave from his house as i peeked to just see if my parents spotted us. Gladly..they didn't.

Immediately running towards my house door as i finally breathes a pure. Moving my hand as i rang the doorbell. Soon footsteps arrived as the door got open by my mother. "Welcome back y/n"

I smiled as nodded, stepping inside as i staright went to my room. Closing the door from behind as i putted my bag on the side. I went to sit on my bed as laid down some seconds later.

"I rather sleep now.." thinking to my self as took my side sleeping figure. Closing my eyes as tried to relax but the scenerios of incidents with Jungkook was running in my mind.

Just questioning myself....

If i was doing wrong? Or we are going to have a ride to somewhere else?

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now