- 05

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What? "What do you mean by rub it up and down?" I asked as he sighed. "Just rub it up and down y/n..." He said as i gulped but let out a nod. Moving my hand up and down on his length as he just let some moans coming out from his lips. "Do it faster y/n"

I hummed as he just relaxed. After some minutes, his tip was all way red as. His veins was on the display. "Oh ya...y/n....do you wanna suck it?" Now my cheeks were red. "Is it important to suck this dick in sex?" I asked

He let out a hum, as i sighed. "Really?" "I was just joking,,, its just way too pleasurable with this mouth thing" "but i don't wanna suck this-" he shot me a glare. "What do you mean by this?" I gulped as sighed. What to answer?

"Gosh" can't believe i'm doing this. I bend down on the floor in front of his legs. He chuckled as opened them wide. I sighed as grabbed his dick in my hands as rubbed it a little before taking it in my mouth. As he said, suck. I started sucking on his thing as he was moaning loud now.

His hand came to the back of my head as pushed my head deeper making me all get red. He buckled his hips up as pushed his dick in my throat making me gag. My eyes on the verge of tears as he just kept moaning. And soon, i felt something salty in my mouth as he pulled out his thing outside.

Did he just- i immediately stood up from the floor as putted a hand covering my mouth as was about to ran towards bathroom but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I looked at him. "Don't split.....take it in..." He said with deep voice as i just questioned my decision. Gosh.

I gulped down his salty thing as he just smirked proudly. "Great...now..." Don't scare me jeon. He pushed me back on the wall as i yelped. "Take off your shirt" he said as i gulped.

Moving my hand to the hem of my shirt as i looked at him before taking it off.

Shyly covering as long as i can. He chuckled,

"Guess what...i really don't regret teaching you this"

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now