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"he was confused... But recognised his feelings once he felt like she was going away from him to someone else"

Some weeks passed as y/n was still talking to jungkook the way he wanted to. She was still the y/n he always walked to school and come back. She was still that y/n who once kook choose from all other girls.

But the things were not always tries to stay normal.

"y/n, you can wanna go to grab drinks with me after classes" Jeongguk asked as y/n looked at him and then at the other three guys. Taehyung, jimin and soobin. "can they join us?" Jeongguk happily nodded. She smiled as mumbled an okay.

Classes started to came to an end as everyone packed their stuff. The pair of five friends was now walking to the exit of the building not knowing that they were gonna start a new chapter to their life.

Mostly, y/n and jeongguk. Maybe y/n will not get changed that much but jeongguk for sure. Walking to the starbucks cafe which was some streets away from the university.

Entering inside as jeongguk and taehyung told others to take a seat while they went to grab drinks. While on the other hand. Jimin, soobin and y/n went and sat on the empty table of five. Talking and smiling to each other. Soon, jeongguk and taehyung joined them.

"so you saw how funny faces miss lin was making?" soobin said as jimin and taehyung joined the topic. Me after some minutes as jeongguk followed the pair. And there it was, "y/n, that guy is staring at you from minutes"

Jimin said as she looked at him then turned behind to look at the person who got caught staring at her. There she saw a guy with hairs around the length of his ears, same like jeongguk, but the color was different. His hairs were in the blonde dark, while his outfit was black jeans and white hoodie.

He was looking just around their age. Sighing, she turned to look at her friends again. But the thing was poking jungkook which he shrugged away. Some minutes left and i could still feel the glare of that person which didn't end creepy.

"hey" the sudden arrival of the deep voice caught me off guard as i faced the person. "yea" it was the same guy who was sitting there. He passed me a smile and putted a paper on the table. Seems like a note.

"yeosang, and i hope you'll appreciate my feelings" he said before passing me a smile and walking away. She looked at others then at the note. Grabbing it in her hands as she unfolded it.

"hey pretty,

You caught me staring at you already so i'm being honest. I am interested in you. Not in that creepy way but in a good passionate way. Its not my first time seeing you here so its not creepy. Its been half month since i'm looking at you as something more.

Hope you'll appreciate my feelings and will reply to this note on text message. My number is xxxxxxxxxx and hope it will be a yes.

— yeonsang "

I looked at the boys as they all chuckled." you got a lover huh" not to hide the fact that it braught red tint on my face. "he looks cute tho" jimin said as soobin agreed. "yeah handsome" taehyung commented making me turn and look at the guy who was still sitting on his place. He is handsome.

"so should i say yes?" taehyung looked at me then at Jungkook, "why dont you ask jeongguk since he is good in advice tho"

I turned to him as he looked at me with gulp.

"he indeed wanted to say no, but as long as he don't know how love feels like, he couldn't help but had to say yes"

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now