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Next day : sitting on my regular bench of room as i just stared at the door. Thinking when i will get to see him.

Don't know why. I just feel like i should talk to him and ask his if that night was just a part of the thing i wanted or he somehow meant that.

I know answer will be no. But just to ruin my questions. He was my first... So yeah curiosity is taking me over.

Looking at the door as i saw soobin coming and waving at me. I waved back at him as he smiled and came to sit next to me.

Was about to grab a talk with him when suddenly my eyes landed on the person who entered in the class.

"jungkook" i stood up as called him. As saw him looking at me. He let out a nod as i looked at soobin, "i'll be back in minutes" coming out of the seat as i walked to jungkook.

Grabbing the hold of his wrist as i took him out of the room. Pulling him until the ground as i finally looked at him after stopping in the middle of ground.

"what happend y/n?" he asked as i looked at him and said "i wanna ask something" he let out a nod.

I sighed as finally got the words. Then looked at him as asked the question i wanted to ask.

"that thing meant anything to you?" i asked as he looked at me confused. "you mean our having sex?" he asked as i nod. He chuckled as said "nah it was a part of education right?" i sighed. Expected it. I nodded as smiled.

"lets go back to class" i said as he nodded. Smiling, getting the hold of my hand as we walked back.

Don't know why...i wanted it to be yes.

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now