- 04

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And finally, they pulled away. As jungkook immediately let his forehead fall on top of hers. Panting because of the session, she looked at him. "was it good?"

He chuckled hearing her question as he opened his eyes and looked into her ones. "i thought you were gonna ask why" he said as she awkwardly smiled. "it's one of your tricks to tell me how to kiss" she answered as he giggled at how naive she was.

He smiled and nodded. "yeah a way to teach you how to kiss" she smiled at him as he smiled back. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he pulled hef towards the rooftop exit. Going down the stairs while teasing her.

Once they reached in the class, y/n went to her seat while he left to his. Sitting next to soobin as he smiles. "done?" he asks as i nodded. He smiled and handed me his one pair of earpode, immediately taking it as i plugged it.

A soft melody started playing in my mind as i fixed my chin on desktop, thinking about what happend. A smile on my face as i turned my eyes there and there. Without realising, why there were butterflies in my stomach. And where i was leading towards.

Teacher came and started teaching. The whole lesson went like "soobin play this song" "soobin look at her hairs" "soobin you are literally the best" it was like i finally had a best friend. And i know he won't be leaving my side soon.

"you what?!" he asked screamed as the whole students in cafeteria turned to look at him. "you literally asked him to" he said as showed his middle finger in the hole of his hands. Duh. "soobin-" "you are joking, i know" he said as i chuckled. I should end this matter here. "yeah" he smiled as smashed a broccoli piece in my mouth.

"hey soobin and y/n" a voice came as we both turned to look. A smile on my face as i moved my hand and waved at three boys. "hey" soobin said as smiles. Jungkook came and sat next to me while vmin pair went to sit next to soobin.

I looked at Jungkook as he passed me a smile before leaning towards my ear, "you were so good" and here it was his teasing again. I looked at him with flushed cheeks as crunch onto broccoli in my mouth.

He smiled as putted his hand on my thigh, rubbing it silently as he turned to look at boys. "so, how was your first class?" here he asked soobin as the four boys started talking. While his hand was just rubbing the skin of my thigh making me chock inside.

As the time went by, it came to an end. As i was finally going to the exit with soobin as i stopped on the door." what happened?" he asked as i just smiled and pointed behind. "jungkook, he is my neighbour so have to go with him" soobin nodded as took his leave.

I waited for Jungkook on the entrance as he finally decided to show up after some minutes. He bunny smiled at me as grabbed my wrist. "lets go" i nodded as started walking with him, leaving the school building. "so you wanna straight go to my house for lessons?" he asked as i looked at him.

"uh sure" i answerd as he smiled and nodded. "until we reach home, lemme ask some questions" he said as i nodded. "okay so.. You are 18 rn" he said as i hummed. "okay so tell me what vagina is?" he asks as heat rushed up to my cheeks. "female private part" "nicknames for vaginas?" he asked as i sucked onto my breathe.

"ah what?" i said as he sighed. "the person you are going to have sex with won't say that your vagina is so beautiful.... He will just go like" y/n, your pussy looks so pretty wet" he said making me gulp. "pussy... Got it" i repeated as he hummed. "and what about dicks?"

My eyes widen as i looked at him. "w-what?" "dick....males private part" he said as looked at me. "you never saw one?" he asked as i scoffed. "h-jungkook-" he cut me off by saying. "its also known as cock... There are many types of dick in world... I mean size... Some has big so some has small ones" he said as i was now froze.

"y'know i can't explain you with words, when we will reach home, i'll make sure to let you see one" he said as i just looked at him shocked. See one? What? Dude? My pure holy eyes?

"ko-" "we reached" he said as grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his house door. Opening it as he let me go inside first then he entered. Closing the door from behind as he turned to look at me. "room upstairs" he said as i tilt my head. He sighed as came near, grabbing my shoulder, "my naive girl, go upstairs in my room, i'll come in five"

I nodded as started walking upstairs to his room. Openings the door of a strange room as i peeked inside. Bed. Light. Study table. Its his room. Entering inside as i gulped, looking around, i finally went to sit on the edge of his bed.

What will he do? Is he's going to show me a dick? Porn? Gosh i'm really doing this. And the door got opened as jungkook came inside. Seeing me sitting on bed, he showed me his two fingers as i nodded.

He went to his closet as took out a simple shirt and his sweat pants. He went to the bathroom as came back under three minutes with his hair wet and clothes changed. "we can start now" he finally said as looked at me.

"you are comfortable right?" he asks as he made his way towards me. I just sighed and nodded. He hummed as stand in front of me. "now i'll show you what cock look like" he said as i shyly nodded.

He sat next to me as i looked at him confused. "aren't you gonna get your laptop to show me pics?" i asked as he looked at me with funny face. "i'm a men and i have that thing so just look at mine" he said making me feel hot.

His hand reached down to his sweet pants as he rubbed the area where zips are situated in pants. Rubbing and clutching on his member, he finally took his sweat pants off. My eyes widen as cheeks turned red.

His private part was now in seen. He looked at me to see my reaction but chuckled when he saw how shocked i was. "this... Is my length" he said rubbing the height of his thing. I looked at him and hummed. Then back at his member. "these are my balls... They hurts a lot when got banged into something" he said as touched the round place under his dick. Like surface. "and this" he said as rubbed the red tip of his dick as he lets out a heavy breathe. "this mushroom like part is that part from where we cum and... Pee" he said as looked at me who was all red.

"girls have to suck on this length, they have to chock on it... And gag on it" he said making me look into his eyes.

"touch me" he sternly said as i gulped before moving my hand and touching his hand. He groaned as grabbed my hand and putted it on his dick making my eyes widen. I quickly took my hand away. "what?" he asks.

"aren't you uncomfortable?" i asks as he sighed and shook his head. He took my hand and putted again on his dick as he closed his eyes.

"now rub it up and down..."

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now