- 09

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Coming back from the cafe where soobin and me went. He left from where his house crosses the road. As i was now alone. My earphone were banging a music as i was walking on the street, listening to them.

Moving my hands a little while humming. Reaching home after some minutes as i made my way inside. "i'm back home" i said as my mom humminh sound came as i walked upstairs. Going to my room.

Closing the door from behind as i putted my bag aside. Sighing i went to sit on the bed as took out my phone. Going through the social media as was looking at some posts of friends and someone i know.

"you home?" a message popped onto my screen as i went to reply. It was Jeongguk. "yeah" i replied back as three dots appeared onto the screen. Signalling he is typing. "oh i thought there was another beautiful girl in your room" i sended a laughing emoji. "so i'm beautiful?"

"indeed" his reply came under second as i chuckled. "where are you?" i asked. "looking at you from the window" his message came as i turned my head towards window as saw him standing on his one. "anyeongggggg" he screamed as waved his hand a little high.

I waved my hand back. "you are coming over?" he asked as pointed at his room. I thought for a moment as sighed, "10 minutes" he nodded. As i went to my closet and took out my clothes to change into. A pink hoodie and a black jeans to match up with. Wearing my sneakers as i went down, only to see my mom staring at me. "mom-"

"at neighbour house, sure you can go" she said as i looked at her shocked and blushed. "he is hot tho, but dont get too much close, okay?" i nodded as left the house, immediately waking my steps towards his house as i rang the door bell.

The door got open after minute as jungkook came under my sight. "hey" he said as i nodded and came inside. "where is your mom?" "work again" he answered as i went to sit on the couch. He came after some minutes with juice in glasses. He handed me one as i took it nicely.

"woah, isn't is the apple?" i asked as tasted the familiar juice taste, he hummed as answered "eating or drinking apple before having sex is good preparation" i chocked on my juice as looked at me.

He chuckled as leaned forward, placing his lips on top of mine. I carefully putted the glass on table while kissing him back. His hand snaked around my waist as he sat up, before pulling me onto his lap. Not giving me a chance to breathe properly.

"gosh apple juice taste better with your cherry lips" he mumbled between the kiss as i just bit onto his bottom lips. His hand slowly trailing their way under my hoodie as he unclasped the black lace material from behind, making me feel low from front. Pulling his hand back down, as he broke the kiss.

"take off your hoodie" he said as i nodded. Taking off my hoodie while sitting on his lap as he was taking his shirt off. Throwing my hoodie on the floor as he did the same before pulling the kiss again. "fuck you are hot" he said as i lightly groaned. His hand moved forward as pulled the strap on the bra down my shoulders. "gosh y/n" he moaned.

Moving his hand to my breast as he lightly molded them, making me feel pleasure. "fuck i can't control y/n" he said as detached his lips from my one as moved down. Attacking my neck as he licked and sucked. Doing the same pleasure able thing to my chest.

Slowly trailing his kisses down my stomach as i could sense myself wet from down there. Light red hickeys noticeable on my body as it just marked me as his. I fell down as he just put up with his work.

He opened my jeans button as pulled me up, "now grind while sucking on my skin" he ordered as i obeyed. Started moving forward and back as started tp suck on his skin as he let put some sinful moans. "fuck y/n"

Cursing and cursing. It just got me turn on so much as he kept moaning my name. And finally. I pulled away. Looking at his abs and neck who were full bashed with purple hickeys. "you are looking good" i said as attached his lips with mine again as he stood up with me in his arms. Walking towards his room while kissing me. Once we reached, he closed the door from his leg as throwed me on the bed.

Taking off his jeans as i proceed to take mine off. Only to be left in black lace which was protecting the thing down there now. He looked at my side as groaned hard before walking to his desk. Taking out the condom packet making me feel like he was prepared.

Taking his boxers off as he was about to open the packet but stopped. He putted the packet on nightstand as came back to me.

Pulling me up by arm as my face lamded just in front of his shaft. "now suck on it" he said as i breathed out hard. Moving my hand to grab his member as rubbed it down and up. Taking it in my mouth as started to suck and gag on it. Letting it reach down my throat as pulled out to take breathe. He again pushed it in my mouth as started to thrust and i just sat there letting him do it.

Once he squinted his cum i my mouth as i quickly swallow it. Tasting salty. He pusbed me on the bed as moved his hand down to my vagina. Rubbing it with his finger as i moaned. The whole sequence got with fingering and licking and after some minutes i was here.

My hairs ruined as his cock banging tje shit out of me in full speed. My eyes rolling back as sinful sounds coming out from my mouth. His pushing his shaft full in bopping my cherry as for sure, i came 2 times already.

"oh fuck, dont clench" he said as pushed his memeber hard making his balls hit my ass. And finally, i came for third time. "i'll come in three, dont clench okay?"

He said as i nodded. "if you did than i wont be able to pull out or else you'll get small kook in your womb" he said, remembering the fact he didn't putted on the condom. And there, he pulled out as came out. "fuck" he groaned as let his cum out.

Pushed himself on top of mine as i giggled. "i thought you were teaching me" he chuckled as slide away. Putting his arms around my waist. "haha i thought you didn't know anything" "started watching porn" i answered making him smile. "okay so i think i should go now" i said as stood up with my woobly legs. Swear its hurting but have to go home.

"where is my bra?" i asked as looked at Jungkook whose eyes were closed. "in living room" he answered as i nodded. Wearing my jeans as walked in the living room without covering my up as changed into my hoodie there. Pulling my hairs in a bun as the hoodie was covering my hickeys well.

Bidding my goodbye as i left his house. Walking to my house slowly as i immediately made my way up to my room after showing my presence to my mom. Gladly she didn't noticed anything.

I closed the door of my room as i plopped myself on the bed. Recalling the moments as i realised he is my first.

"should i talk to him about the first time thing?" "we will Continue this?"

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now