- 03

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Rays of the next day arrived and raised in the sky up our heads as I was walking through the street of my university. A pair of black plate skirts and a  checked blouse inside with the denim jacket on top of it. Earphones in the ears as a soft melody ringing inside.

Looking at some of my schoolmates walking from that street too as I just smiled to myself. A happy smile and vibe. Matching. Walking like a happy child was everything I was doing right now.

"hey y/n" a random guy came to me, making me get scared but soon I calmed down when I noticed his figure. He is one of my schoolmates. "oh hey" I said as smiled at him. He smiled back. "Uhm me i-" "school mate, got ya!" I cut him off as he just awkwardly smiled. "actually, classmate," he said as my mouth turned into an "o" shape.

He chuckled. "well you don't have any problem like walking with me to uni?" he asked as I immediately shook my head. "you are kind of cute so Nah" I jokingly said as he smiled. "hehe thanks, you are cute also" he complimented making me smile and bow a little.

We both started walking towards the university with each other as we were getting to know each other. Smiling and laughing as we both were showing each other our stupid sense of humor And soon, we reached.

"Let's go to your locker first,    he said as I nodded, walking with him to my locker as I took out my supplies, turning to him as said "done" he nodded, as I hummed. Walking with him to his locker as he took out his notebook and stuff. Once we were done, we started making our way to the classroom, and just when I was about to go inside, a voice called me, "y/nie"

I turned to look and as soon as I did, my cheeks flushed red, remembering the activities yesterday. I gulped as he started coming near with his friends. "oh hey jeon! Kim and park!" I said as they smiled. "ah who is he?" taehyung asked as pointed at soon. "oh yeah, he is soobin, gladly my friend" "hey," Toobin said and bowed a little to him. The two smiled and bowed back. "okay so soon, can you join our company since jungkook and y/n have to go for a little talk?" Jimin said as soon smiled and nodded. "okay sure... See ya y/n" he said and left with taehyung and Jimin.

I turned to look at Jungkook as that guy immediately took the hold of my wrist as ran through the hallway with me after. Walking up the stairs, "jeon where are we going?" "rooftop" "why?" he stopped and looked at me. "you know it well babe" a blush appear on my face as he chuckled, again pulling me after.

Finally, after some minutes, he stopped as opened the rooftop door, letting me go first as I did, once he took steps inside, he immediately closed the door from behind. Locking it. I just looked at his steps and once he was finished. "okay so-"

Couldn't complete the sentence because of the heavy push I got right against the wall with him covering my presence. "koo-" he moved his finger as put it on his lips. "just stay silent" I gulped but nodded.

He smiled cockily as leaned more on top of my body, erasing space between us as he was laying against me. "so should we start our sex education?" he asked with a smirk making me think again but with closed eyes, I nodded.

He hummed as leaned near my ear, "first don't you think you should beg me to teach you" his voice was slow and husky... It was coming as the sexiest voice. "i-i- what?" I slutter asked as he blew a breathe there. I sucked on my breathe as his cold hand made their way to my covered waist. "jeon -" "beg to me"

I sighed as opened my eyes to look at him, as his eyes were full dark. I gulped, thinking where I got myself into. "please...." I said with fear as the guy in front of me smiled. "say it more sexily...y/n" he said again in a husky voice as I just took a deep breath

"J- I want you to teach me about... Sex things... I- beg you" I said as closed my eyes, not able to see his smirk. I gulped, seeing how seconds left but he still didn't say and did something. Should open my eyes? Or should I not? I think I should.

And there I opened my eyes, just to see his face way too close to mine. "kiss me... As a payment" he said in a low tone which was easily able for me to hear. My nerves stopped at that moment... Kissing him? "i- don't know how I cluttered.

"just attach your lips with mine... And move them the way I will... Okay?" I let out a hum before leaning slowly towards him. Slowly... And slowly. My eyes fixed on his lips as his eyes were fixed on my whole face.

And there I was, one more step and dash. Should I do it? Or Nah? What if I'm not good in- and there I shook my head, kinda brushing my lips against his. Fuck, you can do this.

I moved my hand up as slowly gripped his cheeks, cupping them as I leaned in. Maintaining his lips on top of mine as he let out a breath "move them now" he mumbled as I gulped. Started plucking my lips as I move forward, and there, he tilts his head and started doing the same. I just decided to follow his lead.

Moving my face in the opposite direction as his hand was now on the back of my head, pulling it towards himself, as my lips were going way too in medly with him. "open your lips a little and stick your tongue a little out" he mumbled through the kiss as I nodded. He pulled away from a little as I bit onto my lips before opening it a little.

"It's weird to stick my tongue out," I said as he shook his head a little. "do it he said as my breathing was not stable at this sentence. I licked my lips before letting my tongue tip coming out a little. "fuck y/n, stick it out" he up brush making me stick my tongue out as he just stared at my lips, moving his hand to my face as he cupped my cheeks, and leaned in.

But this kiss was not with... Lips... He was just playing with my tongue. Needling it with his, as he licked and brushed it with his lips. And there my goosebumps started when I felt him pushing my tongue inside my mouth with his, roaming in my mouth as brushing against my teeth, and... It was just so good.

All the things... Everything was in it. Craziness and lust. And at this moment, I wasn't in the mood of pulling away...

Neither he.

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now