- 07

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"y/n, are you okay?" Mom asked as i hummed. Currently eating dinner with my family. "Y/n, you are looking different" dad said as took a sigh. "What happened?"
"Nothing dad, i'm just stressed because of studies" a lie. I'm stressed thinking if that small thing between me and jungkook is right or wrong.

"you sure?" i hummed as took the piece of vegis in my mouth. Chewing on it while thinking.

Next day : in the morning

Took my steps out of my father's car as said goodbye to him. Sighing, i started walking towards the school building.

Immediately seeing large crowd of students in hallway making my way past them as i walked to my locker. Opening it and taking out my books. "boo!!"

A loud voice came making me scared as i turned to look. "ah fuck soobin!!" i said as slapped his chest lightly. He chuckled. "i was waiting for you from past three minutes" i looked at him with poker face making him laugh again.

"whatever lets go" i said to him as he nodded. Talking while walking towards the classroom with him. Once we reached, we immediately took our seat which was in the middle. "y/n, do you wanna go to grab coffee after classes?" soobin asked makin me nod.

"great!" he said as showed me his fist making me chuckle and crack mine with his. "woah! Choi! Y/n!" a loud scream came from the entrance making us look towards it. "oh hi taehyung and jimin-" a red tint took place on my cheeks as i moved my hand and waved towards him. "hey koo"

He smiled as waved back. Sitting next to us, being in university there was a whole lane bench for atleast 6 students making all of us sit on one. Taehyung, jimin, soobin, me and jeongguk.

Yeah here he was sitting next to me. "how are you?" he asked making me nod. He hummed. "how are you?" i asked, he looked at me as moved close. "good.... But with you i would've be perfect" he whispered near my ear as winked.

I gulped as felt an unknown feeling running down my spine making me freeze a little. It was weird.....

And i wasn't mature enough to read it loud.

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now