- 02

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i've never been a fan of pale things but right now, the pale white colour ceiling was looking more interesting than my life. my gaze was fixed on the ceiling for god knows how much time.

the time was changing every second but my thoughts were still same. they were still repeating the words that kook said.

"that part of you makes you seems bored"

does it really? i mean, maybe it does. if jungkook says it, then maybe it does. a 18 year old should know about these things but here is me, knows nothing. i've never been into these things. so the sudden realisation on how much boring it makes me came out.

maybe it really does.

i stood up finally from my bed before walking towards the window of my room. i pulled the curtains off as my eyes immediately went towards the window straight face to mine ones.

and there was it, jungkook on the floor doing workout, his headphones tugged well as he just did that. and i sighed. walking to my bed before grabbing my phone and dialling his number as i made my way towards window again.

the rings went as i followed his movement. he stopped his workout before walking to the table next to the window. he held his phone in his hand as he finally swiftly turned his head towards my window and i immediately waved.

he picked the call up before walking near the window, "hey?" i sighed, "kook"

he hummed as he just stared at me. his stare burning my insides as i just looked back. ".. am i really that boring?" I asked softly as a small laugh came from the device. "nope idiot, that won't make you boring. your comfort-"

"be honest please, does that make me boring?" i asked again, as he sighed, "nope y/n-" "but is it normal?" I questioned and he chuckled, "what?"

"not knowing about that...is that normal?"

a hum came from his side as he answered, "somehow nah, because you are almost 19 now..that knowledge is important you know"

and he was about to continue as i cutted him short, "kook.." he stopped but hummed, "can- can you, teach me all those things?"

and i was sure, i saw him getting inside his room with a choke before his voice came from the device, "what did you just said?"

a blush crept upon my cheeks as i immediately shook my head, "n-nothing" i was about to cut the call when his voice came, "i can you know"

we both stayed silent for some seconds before he said, "lets talk tomorrow alright?"

with that, the call ended. my cheeks tugged in red as i came back inside in my room while there in his, jungkook just laughed softly.

maybe it's gonna be fun.

𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ❀ 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now