Rumour Mill

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Jordan P.O.V

Mo and Ruthie emerged from the bird-themed castle coin challenge with no treat. We seem to be getting all of the questions wrong - who would have guessed that only 10% of adults were reluctant to tell people their age?

The mood has dimmed dramatically - Victoria and Demi seem to be taking it especially hard. Everyone is hungry, tired, and although we had such an amazing night last night, we seem to have all peaked way too early today.

Everybody takes the day to complete some camp chores, clean up around the castle and rest up from such an energetic night last night.

Just after lunch, Russell pulls me up to the lookout for a chat to get to know one another better. We begin with a shared love of football, then discussing our careers, and then our families. I shed a few tears as Russell narrates the story of his two brain tumours. He tells me how he believed in his kids, and his love for them is what pulled him through a fight between life and death.

Ruthie joins Russell and I at the lookout, bringing us some tissues from the privy to wipe our eyes with. We sit in dead silence, listening to each others breath, watching the sun descend over the mountains. Although parts of the castle are a bit grim and disgusting, the actual architecture is breath-taking.

I have to get something heavy off of my chest.

"Ruth? Russell?" I ask. "Can I get some advice off of you two? There's been something pretty heavy on my mind."

"Of course."

"Well. . . " I don't know if I should be sharing my feelings with two people I only met a few days ago. "Whilst I've been in here, I've started to catch a few feelings for . . . for Demi."

I picture her in my head. Her long wavy blonde hair; her gorgeous freckles that frame her blue eyes; her adorable smile that lights up a room; her body; her perfect body. She has such a warm and lovely nature - I smile when just my name leaves her mouth.

"Awww," Ruthie smiles. "Well, if I've learned anything from my shag with Prince Edward, its that you have to let her know. You never know what can happen in life. You can't have regrets!"

"I can't. I don't want to. I have no idea if she feels the same way about me!"

"Maybe we can find out?" Russell suggests. "We'll use what Dave the Jester taught us and ask a few questions."

"You will?"

"Yes! This is so exciting!" Ruthie exclaims. "It'll be okay Jordan. Don't you worry?"

"Thank you, guys." I smile. ". . . So, Prince Edward?"

"It's a long story."

Demi P.O.V

I've been trying to keep to myself most of the day. From the whispers I've overheard around camp: Vernon, Shane, Victoria and Bev all now think I have a thing for Jordan. The last thing I need is them spreading the news through the rumour mill - I don't want Jordan thinking that I like him, or worse - AJ thinking I like him.


Why do I care what AJ thinks?

I sit between Mo and Hollie, staring into the campfire. We've all gathered in the living quarters, making small conversation whilst waiting for Ant and Dec's arrival. Hollie is trying to tell me about her world titles, and I nod along, but I'm not really listening. I can't get the thought of Jordan out of my head - I could never imagine being anything more than his little sister.

AJ has perched beside Mo, whilst Jordan is chatting with Russell and Ruthie on the opposite side of the fire. Every time I take my eyes off of Hollie or the dancing flames, I catch Jordan staring in our direction.

Ruthie P.O.V

"Go and tell her," I nudge Jordan's side. "Go on. Everyone is sat around, so you can pull her aside somewhere quiet. Go and grab her for a chat."

Jordan begins to get nervous - his bottom lip is trembling from fear. "This is more frightening than the trials."

"She keeps looking at you, for god's sake." Russell encourages. "Go and speak to her."

It's true. Each time I've looked over towards Demi, she's got her eye on Jordan. She hasn't looked or spoken to AJ once either - what Victoria and Bev were telling me must be absolute rubbish.

"Okay . . . here I go."

Demi P.O.V

"Getting my MBE was amazing."

Jordan stands up and brushes his legs down from some mud and dirt. He's taking deep breaths, just as he does when he's nervous. Why's he standing up?

"I got it a few years ago."

I really don't want to speak to him right now. Why is he standing? Why is he walking this way?

"I think I might do the next Paralympic games, you know? Maybe-,"

The castle doors swing open. "Hello everyone!"

I watch Jordan do a swift 180 degree and turn back to his seat. Thank god. I don't usually enjoy Ant and Dec's arrival, but they couldn't have timed that any better if they tried.

"Now you all know why we're here. The public has been voting for who they would like to see face the next Bush Tucker trial - 'Fort Locks'. So, in no particular order. . . "

"Mo. The public has decided . . . it's not you."

"Hollie . . . it's not you."

"Shane . . . it's not you."

"AJ . . . it's not you."

"Victoria . . . it might be you."

"Giovanna . . . it's not you."

"Vernon . . . it's not you."

"Jordan . . . it's not you."

"Beverly . . . it's not you."

"Which means Demi, it might be you."

Me or Victoria. Who will it be?

Mo places his hand on my leg comfortingly. "The public has decided that the celebrity they want to see face 'Fort Locks' is . . . Demi!"

Of course it is.

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This chapter's shout out goes to julliet10953780 ! Thank you for the comment on the last chapter, and for voting! Xx

Can someone give me a cute date idea that AJ could surprise Demi with in the castle? I have a few but would love to hear what you guys think.

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