Chapter Sixty

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"Wait..." She furrowed her brows. "Are you T. P, the guy who sends me letters?"

His grip on her shoulders loosened and his brows furrowed. "Excuse me?"

Ellie frowned, but before she could say anything further, the door suddenly burst open and out of nowhere she witnessed a figure hurriedly jab Elorm in the jaws.

Horrified, she watched Elorm fall to the bed, unconscious.

"What the heck!" She cursed and turned to the figure who was glaring sharply at Elorm with his nose flared.

"That's is. Sleep tight, Moron!" He smirked and turned to face Ellie who took a step back in horror. "I hope I wasn't too late, did he hurt you?

Ellie shook her head. "Uhmm... No. But how did you-"

Oliver walked towards her and smiled. "No need to panick, pretty. I'm glad you're alright."

She didn't say anything, just blinked at him and still in shock.

Oliver sighed. "I met him on the stairs and had this gut feeling that he was up to no good, and he just proved me right."

Ellie glanced at Elorm, a concerned look on her face. "I hope he's alright? He was just drunk and acting silly.'"

"Or he'd already planned this." He added. "Think about that too. Your friends are not around and he came at this late hour drunk. He was definitely up to no good."

She sat on Lily's bed and thought about it. At that moment she couldn't doubt Oliver, not after what Michael had revealed to her. "There was something I wanted to know. He was yet to tell me..."

Oliver nodded. "It's confirmed, Ellie. He's the bastard who's been bothering you for weeks and the same person who tormented Mike."

Her eyes widened. "How sure are you about that?"

"I've been keeping a close eye on all your male friends, Ellie. This one appeared a lot mysterious to me the very first day I met him."

Ellie furrowed her brows as she listened to him.

"He was with you the first day you received that note, wasn't he?" He asked.

She nodded. "So?"

"And that bracelet you were gifted, he got the same for Celine, the girl who died at the party. Who was his ex, I guess."

Ellie's heart sank. Why didn't that click the first time she saw Celine's bracelet?

"He's been crazy about you for a while now and was planning on confessing his love to you this Friday at Samz. " He went on, "But he cancelled it, for a reason I don't know."

Her heart fluttered.


It was a classy restaurant in town and she'd ate there once with him. When she'd enjoyed the meal and rated it the best eatery, he promised to take them back there. Which however, they never got the chance to visit again.

She'd only seen Elorm as nothing more than a good friend of hers. It never occurred to her he ever had romantic feelings for her, especially with him so crazy about Celine.

She'd hooked both him and Celine up when the three of them met at a party. She thought Celine was a sweet, innocent girl and Elorm found her quite similar too. Arranging dates and surprises, she finally succeeded in bringing the pair together.

"The look on your face says you're convinced he's that idiot." Oliver said, looking intently at Ellie.

What was that about him ruining all her relationships? Why did he have to hurt her like that? How could he turn into a monster and hurt other people all in the name of love?

"I'll call Michael, he needs to find out we've caught him." Oliver said and fished into his pockets for his phone.


"Do you get it now?" Jackie's voice asked on the phone as Ashton flipped through the notebook she'd handed him.

"Hold on..." He said and stared at a scribble on a page. "What else did you say you found out about him?"

We used to be so much in love, but our love was forbidden.
We wanted to fit in and so we had to quit hiding.
Yet, when the world was against us, we had to start thinking,
Either to let go or keep trying.
But both ways, we still had to keep our love hidden.

Ashton continued to stare at the words as he tried to make sense of them. Everything in the notebook was about a forbidden love between Celine and T. P, something very cliché which he thought only happened in the 90s.

"Celine was very close to one particular girl back in SHS, they were inseparable. There were rumors they could be a couple, you know SHS and all the crazy things you hear when you're extremely close with some people."

He rolled his eyes.

"Apparently, they became friends when Celine had her first heartbreak from a guy she was dating in one of the boy schools. This girl became her everything throughout her healing journey and that was how they became best friends."

"I see. What exactly did you find out about T. P? Was he the guy who broke up with her?"

"No. He was called David Agyei." Jackie replied.

Ashton frowned. "Who's T. P then?"

"I don't know, but from everything I've gathered, I'm convinced T. P is no other than that her best friend. They were more than friends."

He lifted his brows and chuckled. "You too believe they were?"

"Yes, Ashton. You can read the note again, you'll understand." Jackie said, sounding more confident than before.

Ashton picked up the note and flipped back, trying so hard to figure out what Jackie had discovered.

"What's her name, Celine's best friend?" He asked, hating to admit that Jackie could be right.

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