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Yu-jun was now two years old. Again, time passes fast when your occupied in life.  "I can't believe you didn't spent his firs birthday with us," his mother jokingly nagged her son who was coming up their family drive way, "I missed his first birthday bash," she continued rambling to her son who playfully rolled his eyes at his mother's antics. 

"Mom, I was sixteen, I barely had money for our rent. Cake is roughly thirty dollars, even for the small ones, I couldn't risk getting a warning or notice with our landlord. Plus, there wasn't much, you know how my apartment is," he wanted to point out his lack of money to his rather wealthy parent, "I only have a sheet on the floor for me to sleep on so that Yu-jun could have space in his crib, and no, I don't regret that. He's my son, he should have everything he needs. Besides that, my apartments empty, I only have his booster seat and our dishes which again, mainly consist of what he needs. I just puréed some fruits for him to enjoy, I know I'm the worst parent but it's all I could afford." 

Mrs. Kim Just pouted, "Honey, I know that being a single parent  is hard. You conceived him at the age fifteen, gave birth around the same time, at sixteen you spent what you could with your son. You made it last a milestone, your baby is now two. I would offered you to stay but we don't have the space, we have your grandma and you know that she's been very ill and we couldn't just leave her on her own," she wanted to continue mumbling on, her hands were trying to calm her down as she tried to explain their situation more which Taehyung lightly touched her rounded out shoulder to prevent her from overthinking again. It's not the first time she's wanted to apologize for not having enough space for her son and her grandchild. They were wealthy, yes, but most of the house is already getting paid off, plus, it's his grandmothers house they have inherited, they couldn't just sell it to some stranger, he refuses. His grandma has been sick on and off, a good portion of their money comes from paying her medicines and hospital bills. 

"Mom, you don't need to apologize, plus, I need to responsible for being so carefree in my youth. Yu-jun is my blessing, he will always be," he smiled at his child who was in his arms, "but also I need to learn to be independent, besides, I slowly started making some more money since I've been promoted to manager at the café, so I used some of my money into a small cake. I wanted to celebrate it with you guys, just let me drop him off inside," before Taehyung could walk away, his mother reached her arms for her grandson. 

Yu-jun started trying his best to pronounce the word 'grandma' as he stared at his maternal grandmother. "He's missed you since your last visit," he stated as he stared at the cute moment in front of him. 

It wasn't long until his dad walked out, "So are you going to continue talking in the cold or come give me a warm welcome?" He joked as he opened his arms wide for his son. 

The family brought in the small cake for Yu-jun, the house was covered in streamers and balloons, all labeled with the words 'happy birthday' in an array of colors and random patterns, it was so sweet that his parents tried their best to go all out for their grandson. 

"We didn't want to do more than this since we didn't want you to feel as if we wanted to one up you," his father spoke as he showed the decor, Taehyung told him that whatever they did, it was still better than his son's first birthday.  

It didn't take the family long celebrate Yu-jun's birthday. Taehyung brought the small cake inside, this time his grandmother was holding his son. "He looks so much like Jeongguk," she noted as Yu-jun playfully bounced in her lap, "That boy was so sweet, gentlemen like and father impressed me, I wished he would of stayed," his grandmother didn't mean for her words to struck her grandson, she forgot how important Jeongguk was to Taehyung. 

"Let's just get the celebration started," he tried to ignore the Jeongguk comment, as if he never heard it. 

The birthday bash was short and sweet. All three adults got Yu-jun a gift, they were more so small stuffies for him to play with. Taehyung cooed as he saw the adorable toys, "He's going to love them," he tried to explain that Yu-jun had a soft spot for these type of toys, "Thank you," he bowed down to his own parents to say thank you. 

"There's a some checks inside of his birthday bag, it's for both of you. Each is roughly two thousand dollars, use them as wisely as you can for both of you but I know that you are responsible enough," Taehyung was thankful that his parents were helping him out despite having much difficulties in the beginning but he's slowly improving.

"It means a lot for both of us, I hope you know that," he answered his dad.

After an exhausting day at his parents, Yu-jun, who was still active was walking around, obviously grabbing onto the wall for support but he was getting their as Taehyung followed behind him Incase he feel down.

"We need to get you to bed, honey," he said holding his son's hand into his, the size difference was adorable. 

Taehyung laid Yu-jun into his crib, his eyes staring back at his father's brown eyes, "Looks like it's our annual story time," he softly tucked his son into his crib, the fluffy baby blue blanket covered  Yu- jun who was busy analyzing his father who was whispering softly, " You other father was an amazing guy, you would have love him," he continued to whisper as he watch Yu-Jin clenched the soft sheet into his small fist. 

"One of the things that impressed me his creativity. I can tell that you already swaying towards your other's father genetics," he chuckled quietly as Yu-jun eyes were starting to flutter shut, "he always had a wild imagination, he made me a beautiful picture of rose once, it was because were we're high school students and rather broke, it was such a sweet gesture. It's one of the things that made me fall for him." 

Taehyung got reminded of how the raven would casually draw random objects to show he, getting validation from Taehyung's impressed expressions. The male tried his best to only draw the best of the best. 

"I can see you being a spitting image of him," he brought his attention towards his son who slowly snuggled himself into the warm blanket once again for comfort, "I wonder what else you'll become. Next year, I'll tell you more actual stories about your father but for next time," he leaned over the crib to place a goodnight kiss on his son. 

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