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"Dad, look what I got in school! This is like one of the best gifts ever!" He came running into their small apartment with full force, his boyfriend, Mihyuk, walking after him, closing the door to his boyfriend's apartment. The elder greeted Mr. Kim who was taken by surprise at the young teenager running towards him.

Taehyung looked at the paper that was basically being shoved in his face, his eyes read the words 'full scholarship', his mouth was gaped open, "You got a scholarship? I told you that you were bright!" He was immensely proud of his son. You see, Yu-jun was one of the students that were exceptional students, exceeding more than what his grade level should be. He was placed a level higher. Even though he was seventeen, he was in the twelfth grade, "Is this the university that you want to go to?"  He looked at the logo of the university. 

"Yes, it's a art preforming school. I feel connected with dad's creative mindset. He's into music, photography, and even drawings, I saw some in the box. I want to go there, see if it can feel a connected to him in spiritual aspect," Yu-jun said as he went near his boyfriend who was watching the parent and son interact, "I have an peaked interest there, they have many options for classes and I want to try them out!  I have an interest of the art field, I get that from you and dad," he admitted, Taehyung did motivate him to try things artistically throughout the years, maybe that's why he's more lenient on going to a art university.

"I am glad that your following your dad's artistic background," he smiled but that was replaced by slight pout as his son rephrased himself. 

"You inspired me as well, the photography, you partook in that just as much as dad did, you sang songs to me showing me your creative side as well. You don't think grandpa and grandma didn't tell me about your love for photography and art? I had those conversations with them," he teased his father who was surprised that Yu-jun took time to learn about him, to him, it looked like Yu-jun was just looking for information about  Jeongukk. 

"I'm impressed that you even bothered to get to know about me," the male admitted, "you're so caught up on Jeongguk that I didn't think you remotely know anything about me." 

Mihyuk encouraged his boyfriend to talk to his father, "I know, I was just so caught up in wanting to know him. I talked about him twenty four seven when I was around you but you are my dad. I may think of him but I have you, all three hundred and sixty five days of the year. As much as I want to credit dad for inspiring me into the art world, he can't take all the credit now? Who raised me for all these seventeen years? Only you, and if he showed my the road of art field, you took my hand and navigated me through." 

Taehyung looked at his son, "Thank you, I feel better knowing that you have me in your heart. I always felt second place to Jeongguk." 

"Don't feel like that," Yu-jun replied. 

Taehyung went to to hug his son, "Thank you, Jun, I'm glad that I've inspired you. Also, congrats to you, Mihyuk, your mom is going to scream when she finds out that you got accepted." The elder teen just chuckled knowing what Mr.Kim said was indeed right. 

Taehyung started reflected on the fact that his son only had this school year left with him, time flies fast.

(One chapter left! 

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