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By the age of nine, Taehyung was finally able to afford to give Yu-jun a more festive birthday bash instead of just a close family one which he has had for the past eight years now. Their shabby apartment was covered in colorful balloons,  he had a paper made sign that said 'happy birthday' above their table, where they would cut the cake, their was even some fun activities planned out this time. Actually, this was more so of combined birthday between him and Mihyuk, their birthday's were merely close to each other, plus, the boys seemed to enjoy the idea of combing a birthday since they would play with each other like always. 

"Thank you for having Mihyuk celebrate his birthday as well, I'm busy on his birthday and I was planning on doing it sometime next week," Misun spoke as he tried to finish decorating the cake, this years theme was outer space because both of their children had been into the latest show that been streaming all over the Korean children's network. It was about a dog that explored outer space and had random adventures. 

"No, thank you," Taehyung replied, "I haven't properly given my son a birthday at all. I've only done small parties, nothing memorable at all. A combination makes this feel fifty-fifty, so there's more for our son's." 

Misun smiled at her best friend words, "Yu-jun doesn't need a mega bash know that you love him. You've done more than enough. I have an idea to propose," she looked at the male, "I know that you worked at the café and have been promoted but how about you work for me? I'll play you more than what your making. Our jobs are roughly the same yet you seem to not have much, I'm not making you feel bad, if anything, I want you to have more." The male just continued to stare as his friend continued to frost the chocolate cake, it was filled with chocolate ganache and strawberries in between the layers, "I know that I started my business not too long ago but I made decent amounts of cash as an owner. I want to help you get off your feet, make things more easier," she finished off her statement as she continued to focus on the primary task, the cake. 

"You would do that for me?" 

"Why wouldn't I?" Misun replied back. 

"That's a very sweet gesture, I'll think about it," Taehyung didn't know if he would risk getting terminated from his job just to make a little bit more income. "I think I will, I want Yu-jun to have what he needs, what I make isn't cutting it anymore. Since the bill was raised slightly higher, I just feel like I'm not able to get things I wish for my son to have." 

Now looking at it, most of decor was from Misun's pocket, which he felt and for, he needed to do his part, he did the games for the children to play with. 

Some of Yu-jun's third grade class arrived, his doe eyes brighten as he watched actual people walk by the door. 

"Hey guys, we can play in my room," Yu-jun spoke as he looked at his father for confirmation, which of course, he was granted. Taehyung was surprise to see his son have many friends come over, obviously there weren't as much, it was around seven kids but that was plenty I'm his mind. Taehyung just regretted not being able to have the proper space for his son's friends. "Can I tell them stories about how my other daddy was your hero?" Taehyung all he did was smile and nod, what else could he say? Their was guest inside his small home. He was more so worried if a fellow parent heard and were going to judge him for his sexuality, he knows that many in his country are closed minded. 

"Your Daddy was hero?" A small boy looked at Yu-jun with a perplexed expression on his face. 

"My other daddy, I'll tell you how cool he is," Yu-jun insisted. 

Misun heard the following conversation , "He loves Jeongguk doesn't he?" Taehyung couldn't deny that his son was infatuated with the idea of having another father. 

"I want him to love him," Taehyung looked at his best friend, "just like how I do. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to be a good hostess and offer them snacks and food," Taehyung dismissed himself from the kitchen. 

Being the hostess, he made sure everything was up to par, he had good conversations with all the boys' parents. Yu-jun only invited his closest friends, which was perfectly fine with him. He saw how the parents enjoyed having Yu-jun as their son's friend. 

It wasn't much, all the adults were catching up with each other in his small living room and kitchen, while the kids were running amuck in his hallway and room. Misun, joined as well after he small kitchen duty of decorating the cakes, Impressing the guys by her baking skills. 

The adults just talked about their own children, it's was expected, their all share a common factor: their children. Taehyung got an insight of how Yu-jun friends must be based off their parents, some were more rowdy than others but it wasn't anything too bad. 

He felt happy, he felt as he distress a bit, he was with others his age besides his own best friend. It felt nice to have a fresh breath of air, he was socializing more, something he hasn't done since his son's birth. 

Misun came by to check up on her friend, treating Taehyung as one of her own, she's very protective over Mihyuk, Taehyung and Yu-jun, she lightly tapped his back to signal that it was probably time to cut the cake and serve some desert that she made for their children. 

Taehyung excused himself from the pair he was getting to know to assist Misun. 

The rest of the party happened in a flash. Before he knew it, people started leaving one by one. At the end, it was just Misun and Mihyuk and them inside their apartment. His parents swung by later to give their grandson his gift but couldn't stay because of his ill grandmother, they didn't want Yu-jun to see his mama in such a state. Neither was mama in a great state to visit at all. Taehyung understood the concern. 

"I can't believe that it's already nine at night. I'm so use to having a small party, I didn't know how people stay longer," Misun joker as he wanted to search for her purse, "it's so late," 

Taehyung noticed how tired and worn down the boys looked, "Misun, how about you stay the night? Please, it's late and you're exhausted. Plus, Mihyuk and Yu-jun already passed out on the couch," he pointed out the obvious to the young mother. 

"If it's not a problem, I could go back to my apartment. We're basically neighbors," she added into her statement as he finally found her purse, "I'm capable of going a couple feet away." 

"I want you guys to stay, our boys are tired, plus, I don't want you to awake him. He's had a tired day of playing today," Misun smiled at his statement. "I'll take Yu-jun, he's a very heavy sleeper, you can have the couch our, if you want, I'll look for some extra blankets for you. Just give me a minute, I want to give him a small story tonight," Misun understood what Tae meant. 

"Take your time." 

Taehyung slowly approached Yu-jun, who's head was laying on his best friends shoulder, he gentle carried his son into their bedroom. He placed the nine year old onto the twin sized bed. Now being nine, Taehyung took the floor. His son needed all the space, he no longer relied on his father anymore like before. 

"I have a short story today. Your other daddy, Jeongguk, was a very talented man. Last time we talked about his art skills but how about his music skills? He has a beautiful breathy voice, a healthy technique as well. He would sing covers of popular artist at the time," he chuckled as he remembered the heavenly voice that would sing covers of Justin, he was a big fanboy. "He would always talk about how he would love to sing to his future children, so let me sing you one of the songs that he would cover," Taehyung lightly cleared his throat as he softly sang, which just made his son turn over and clutched his ultimate favorite blanket, he isn't going to outgrow that anytime soon. 

He tried his best to sing as gently as he could, he didn't want to wake up Mihyuk. 

The song must of accidental done the opposite of what he wanted because Yu-jun started rubbing his eyes, "Did daddy sing beautifully as you say?" He tried to raise his body up but he was too tired.

"He did, son, I'll sing to you again if you want." 

Yu-jun complied, he imagined what his other father must of sounded like. "Thank you for the birthday, daddy" he spoke as he readjusted himself on his own bed, "it's been one of the best." 

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