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Taehyung kept to his word, he promised his son that today he would finally show him a visual of what his father looks like. Underneath Yu-jun's bed, there was box that was strictly his father's. He never touched it, he never invaded his privacy, so why would he invade his father's? There was no reason to. 

"Are you ready?" Taehyung looked at his son, who was kneeling in the floor as well. "The pictures of him, I took, so please don't judge my poor skills. I am no professional," he reached into the small shoe box, where he contained all the photo print outs. The first one he grabbed and turned around so that only he could see. Nothing unrevealed yet, "This is a picture of Jeongguk," Taehyung placed the small photo into his young teenage son's hands. The photo was of Jeongguk looking deep into camera he was holding, his hand had a ring on his ring finger, the man was dressed it what could be made out to be denim long shirt over a white shirt, you could see a sliver of plain shirt, his gaze was focus onto the camera. His hair was styled to have  a bit of volume, soft waves. 

"Is that really him?" Yu-jun was stunned to watch his other father, well, a younger version of him. 

"Turn it around," Taehyung instructed his son, on that back of photo, in a red permeant marker was a heart with the name 'Jeongguk' inside with black ink, "I though he was the one, I still do." 

"Can I keep this?" Yu-jun held the small photo close to his heart, "I don't have to, I just feel happy that I finally can see what he looks like rather than having to paint a mental picture. He looks nothing of what I imagined," he smiled as he tried to look for more. 

"Why would I take a photo of your own father away from you? I held onto it these last thirteen years since your birth, it's now my time to finally let go. He's more of yours than mine. I am nothing to him, you are his flesh and blood. I'll give you a moment so that you can look around."  

Yu-jun smiled as he saw the photo, he awaited for his father to walk away, "It's so nice to finally see you, dad."

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