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"It's just a sparkle"

I smiled and covered my face with my hands. I'm sitting inside Gerald's office right now, taking a break from my shift. Last night was awesome, Apollo and I got to be close and be comfortable with each other. He's a cool, funny guy. And a flirt.

Nathan's been using the tote bag too! I stood up and got out of the office, I immediately helped Gerald with making the drinks. After that, I started to disinfect the counter. I sensed someone standing in front of me.

I look up to see Apollo with his hair tied. "Good afternoon, shorty" he rested his elbows to the counter. "Good afternoon, what could I get for you?" I asked, trying to maintain my job as a barista. He smiled, "You know what I w—" I cut him off.

"Tall Iced Caramel Macchiato" I said and tapped his order on the screen, secretly smiling behind my mask. "and here's $3.75" he gave me his payment.

I proceeded to make his drink and finished quickly, "Apollo." I called for his name and he showed up. He saw Gerald behind me and he waved at him. Our eyes met once again, "thanks." he said.

"I missed this." he took his mask down and took a sip. I avoided eye contact, really flushed and flattered. I honestly had fun talking to him last night, he told me about his salad. It was kinda funny.

I noticed that he's wearing the string necklace I got him. My cheeks started to burn as if it were dipped to a bucket full of hot tomato sauce. "Are you okay?" he asked. I shook my head, "Yeah, why?" I asked, trying my very best to act normal.

"Your ears. You ears are red." he said, giggling like a little girl. Damn Apollo, what the fuck? I got really embarrassed that I covered my face with my hands. "Oh, shut up." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know, I had a great time talking to you last night. I'd love to meet up sometime." he said, smiling that his eyes got a little bit smaller. My heart jumped out of my ribcage, "Are you free around next week?" he continued.

Due to personal reasons, I'll be passing away.

My smile got bigger, "I'm actually free after my shift. I mean, I'm always free." I said. I just noticed how my mouth answered his question really quick. He grinned, "Alright, See you later then. "

"Are you done, lovebirds?" Gerald asked from behind, Apollo and I chuckled and our eyes met again. I deadass want to scream my lungs out, this dude right here just asked me out! Of course, a bitch would say yes. Bitch is me.

"Yeah, we're done with our little chit chat." he paused and looked over to Gerald. "Oh and also I'll be borrowing your best friend right after her shift" he half shouted at Gerald. I turned over to look at his reaction and his jaw dropped.

We bursted out laughing, "Anyways, I got to go." he waved and left the coffee shop and Gerald started to get excited. "You have to get ready, shit's about to get real." Gerald took a deep breath and clapped his hands like a fucking seal.

We had customers and the sun has set down, Brian and Nathan left, leaving Gerald and I. I took out the trash and noticed it was a bit chilly. Damn, I should've brought my jacket or something.

I also changed my shirt, I didn't know Apollo will ask me out tonight. He could've done it last night, but it's cool. It's totally fine, but man. I would have the chance to get myself ready and shit. I only have my lip gloss and my extra shirt. Well, luckily I grabbed the most decent looking shirt I have. But, don't I look too plain?

Time ticked and ticked and I would always check the glass windows. I'm kinda nervous about what's going to happen. We do get along, but sometimes I mess things up. I really am a clumsy person.

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